Efe Barcelona


Updated Tuesday, January 23, 2024-12:07

  • Health The baby of the first woman to undergo a uterus transplant in Spain is born at the Hospital Clínic of Barcelona



has become the second baby born to a woman

with a uterus transplant

in Spain, after another woman with the same transplant gave birth in

March 2023


"This surgery is one of the most complex there is and we have demonstrated, not once, but twice, that we are capable of doing it with very good results," highlighted this Tuesday

Antonio Alcaraz

, head of the Urology and Renal Transplant Service, of the

Hospital Clínic de Barcelona

, ​​where both uterus transplant surgeries have been carried out.

On January 2, Manuel was born, weighing 2.9 kilograms, and both he and

Maira Montes

, the mother, are in good health, according to the Clínic.

The transplant took place on April 4, 2022

and was possible thanks to the donation of Maira's mother's uterus, in an intervention led by the head of the Gynecology Service, Francisco Carmona, and the head of the Urology and Renal Transplant Service , Antonio Alcaraz.

In this procedure, some technological modification was introduced with respect to the first uterus transplant, since the team had an


, which consists of a high-magnification lens and high image definition.

This device helped in bench surgery, at which time the uterus is outside the body and is prepared to be transferred, and in the implant in open surgery.

Two months after the surgery, Maira Montes already had her first period and after

a few months the fertilization process began


Normal pregnancy and cesarean section

From the Clínic, they assure that Maira has had

a completely normal pregnancy

and with the planned controls as a result of the transplant.


in week 37 a cesarean section was performed

since uterus transplant patients cannot give birth vaginally because it puts the organ and the baby at risk.

The path began in 2015, when the Hospital Clínic obtained permission from ethics committees and the Department of Health to carry out an experimental program for uterus transplantation in five cases with Rokitansky syndrome, which are

women born without a uterus or tubes. Fallopian, but with ovaries


The first uterus transplant in our country

was performed in October 2020

and in March 2023 Jesús became the first baby to be born in Spain after this surgery.