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Empty classroom in Frankfurt am Main during the corona pandemic

Photo: Arne Dedert/dpa

The number of civil servants and employed teachers who resigned from their service in Hesse increased between 2018 and 2022.

This emerges from a response from the Ministry of Culture in Wiesbaden to a parliamentary question from the FDP parliamentary group in the state parliament.

However, the number is very low in relation to the total number of teachers.

While six years ago 39 teachers requested dismissal from civil service employment, in 2022 there were a total of 122 teachers.

A total of 106 employed teachers resigned in 2022, compared to 81 in 2018.

“Given the workforce of around 64,000 teachers in Hesse, the fluctuation cannot actually be zero,” explained the ministry.

However, the number of required dismissals from civil servants and the dismissals of employees from 2018 to 2022 is at a “very low level”.

The ministry said that leaving the Hessian school service could have various reasons.

This includes a change to a private school or to another federal state or a professional reorientation.

“However, these reasons are not statistically recorded,” it continued.

In the other federal states the development is comparable or even much more dramatic, as a SPIEGEL query to the ministries showed in October.

In Lower Saxony, almost five times as many teachers left school in 2022 as ten years before.

A total of 333 of them gave up their jobs.

In Brandenburg, the number rose almost sixfold in the same period, from 34 to 200. The curve for the loss of educational specialists in Saxony-Anhalt is even steeper: in 2015, 31 educators quit their jobs, in 2022 there were 409 - more than 13 times so many.

The ministries in the other federal states are not getting to the bottom of the cause.
