Recently, the National Health Commission issued the "Guidelines for Building Healthy Families (Trial)", which sets out requirements for the basic conditions for a healthy family and the health knowledge and skills that family members need to master, including details of daily life such as exercise, sleep, and toothbrushing. Detailed guidance.

  The basic conditions for a healthy family include: family members implement a responsible physician contracting system with local village (community) health service agencies, and accept diagnosis, treatment and healthy lifestyle guidance from family contracted doctors.

Family members are in good health.

  Healthy family members should adopt the concept of green environmental protection, keep indoor and outdoor environments tidy, and keep household waste sorted and bagged.

  The family should have three or more health support tools, such as weight scales, blood pressure monitors, waist circumference rulers, oil control bottles, etc., and be equipped with a home health medicine box, which should be organized regularly.

  At least one member of the family will measure body temperature, pulse and blood pressure, and learn basic first aid knowledge and skills.

  Able to read food labels.

  You can use smart medical services such as online appointment registration and seek medical treatment in a civilized and orderly manner.

  Develop good hygiene habits such as "wash hands frequently, ventilate frequently, wear masks scientifically, and use public chopsticks".

  Family members do not smoke, and there are no smoking utensils in the home. They can actively persuade smokers among visiting guests not to smoke. Family members do not respect or encourage smoking, and do not give away cigarettes in return. Actively participate in tobacco control publicity activities.

  Family members have good fitness habits, each person exercises three times or more per week, and is proficient in at least one sports and fitness skill.

  Family members have regular physical examinations, at least once every two years.

Obesity is effectively controlled, and chronic diseases are included in regular community follow-up management and effectively controlled.

  Family members have good mental health, can talk to family members when they are stressed, and can effectively regulate family conflicts.

  Eat a reasonable diet, rich in fruits and vegetables, low in fat and low in salt, and take measures to reduce salt and oil.

  Family members should brush their teeth twice a day, morning and evening, and toothbrushes should be replaced every 3 months; towels should not be shared.

  Adults should sleep no less than 7 hours a day, and minors should sleep no less than 8 hours a day.