Not long ago, as a teacher of ideological and political courses in universities, Lan Yang, associate professor of the School of Marxism at Renmin University of China, came to Beijing Bayi School. Through listening and teaching, he learned more about ideological and political courses in middle schools and became clearer about the ideological and political courses in universities. How to connect the ideological and political courses with middle school ideological and political courses; students from Shipai Town Primary School in Zhongxiang City, Hubei Province watched the special ideological and political course performance "Party History in Singing" held by Central China Normal University through live broadcast, and learned about the party history story in singing .

  The ideological and political education of young people is a continuous process that requires the joint efforts of different levels of education in universities, middle schools and primary schools.

In December 2022, the General Office of the Ministry of Education issued the "Notice on Carrying out the Construction of an Integrated Community for Ideological and Political Courses in Universities, Middle Schools and Primary Schools" and established 32 integrated communities for ideological and political courses in universities, middle schools and primary schools.

  What progress has been made in community building today?

What are the highlights of various schools in various places?

The reporter conducted the interview.

Scientifically set teaching goals

  "On the central axis of Beijing, there are many familiar buildings..." Wang Jing, the teacher, said in the "Morality and Rule of Law" class at Zhongguancun No. 3 Primary School in Haidian District, Beijing.

  Along with the explanation, photos of buildings in Beijing in different periods appeared on the screen; under the guidance of the teacher, the students combined pre-class practice research to share the changes in the childhood lives of three generations of grandparents.

After the class, everyone has a more intuitive understanding and feeling of the development and progress of New China.

  Wang Jing did not prepare this class alone.

Before teaching, she participated in the collective lesson preparation of the ideological and political course integration community in Beijing's universities, middle schools and primary schools.

At Renmin University of China, the leading university of the community, Wang Jing communicated with teachers from various academic levels.

  The teaching contents involved in ideological and political courses at each academic stage are involved. How to scientifically set teaching objectives at different academic stages?

Through collective lesson preparation, schools in various places focus on enlightening moral emotions at the elementary school stage, laying a solid ideological foundation at the junior high school stage, improving political literacy at the high school stage, and strengthening mission responsibilities at the university stage.

  As the assistant director of the Advanced Innovation Center for Ideological and Political Theory Courses in Beijing Universities, Lan Yang convened and presided over the lesson preparation meeting, and improved the design of ideological and political courses at the university level through communication with teachers at different academic levels.

"Revolving around the same theme, the curriculum design, teaching material content and educational goals of different academic stages have different emphases, but they must follow the rules of students' cognition. In teaching, I pay more attention to strengthening the theoretical depth of the teaching content at the university level and reasonably arranging the classroom The gradient between design and practical activities." Lan Yang said.

  The Ministry of Education, together with relevant departments, has focused on the construction of courses and teaching materials, and strengthened the vertical connection and content coordination of ideological and political courses at each school stage.

At the same time, we strengthened the supply of high-quality resources and organized 32 integrated communities to design and produce demonstration teaching resources with "different topics on the same topic".

In Shanghai, a long-term mechanism for observation and exchange of ideological and political teaching in universities, middle schools and primary schools has been established. Through teaching demonstrations such as "making good use of red resources to maintain spiritual blood", the focus of ideological and political teaching in universities, middle schools and primary schools has been clarified.

In Gansu, we promote the exchange and sharing of resources in universities, middle schools and primary schools by holding "big competition" teaching demonstration activities for teachers of ideological and political courses in universities, middle schools and primary schools, and establishing studios for famous teachers of ideological and political courses.

Deeply promote the construction of teacher team

  "We hope that teachers will feedback to us the problems in teaching, and we will organize experts and famous teaching teachers to answer questions and resolve doubts." After seeing the "notice" of the School of Marxism of Central China Normal University, Tan Liting, an ideological and political teacher at Yiling Middle School in Yichang City, Hubei Province Think of the difficulties encountered in teaching.

  "The 'Law and Life' part of high school ideological and political courses is highly professional. In this regard, the professional strength of universities can help us." Tan Liting submitted a total of 6 questions.

Soon, Tan Liting not only received text answers, but also got the opportunity to participate in relevant lectures: "This kind of 'order-to-order' teaching and research is very targeted."

  In promoting the integrated professional development of ideological and political teachers in universities, middle schools and primary schools, many Marxist colleges in universities have played a radiating and leading role, actively connecting with teachers of ideological and political courses in primary and secondary schools, and developing specialized training projects.

  Wang Yan Zhizi, an ideological and political teacher at the First Affiliated Middle School of Central China Normal University, was deeply impressed by the "Law and Life" and "Logic and Thinking" teaching material training activities carried out by Central China Normal University. The teaching materials were sorted out, the exercises were explained, and the experts interacted... every time The event lasts all day.

"The explanations given by experts from universities have given me a clearer understanding and deeper understanding of the main themes of the textbooks. Now I feel more confident when teaching ideological and political courses."

  The beneficiaries are not only primary and secondary school teachers.

Bao An, a teacher at the School of Marxism at Central China Normal University, has solved the past problems of insufficient grasp of academic conditions through integrated teaching and research. "Understanding the basics of students' learning in middle school in advance can achieve better and deeper results."

  According to the relevant person in charge of the Social Sciences Department of the Ministry of Education, the Ministry of Education organizes college teachers to observe high school ideological and political courses to enhance their awareness of integrated teaching; it invites well-known experts to be guests of the "Weekend Theory Lecture" for college ideological and political course teachers to teach teaching methods and student growth patterns. wait.

Ideological and political teachers have gained a lot from various training activities in various schools across the country.

Make good use of the social classroom

  Ideological and political courses must not only be taught in the classroom, but also make good use of social classrooms.

To strengthen collaboration and cooperation and focus on resource integration, schools in various places are constantly exploring.

  An ideological and political class in September 2023 left Cai Zhichao, a student at Tianlin No. 3 Primary School in Xuhui District, Shanghai, still fresh in his memory.

On that day, the staff of the Memorial Hall of the First National Congress of the Communist Party of China brought a precious cultural relic from the collection.

  The lid of the box opened, and a yellowed copy of "New Youth" came into view.

Later, the publicity and education specialist of the First Memorial Hall of the Communist Party of China introduced the stories behind the revolutionary cultural relics.

"This event made me feel the powerful spiritual power behind revolutionary cultural relics." After the class, Cai Zhichao wrote a speech.

  This is the epitome of the activity of "one hundred objects entering hundreds of schools, one hundred lectures proving one hundred years" - hundreds of cultural relics collections from the National Memorial Hall of the Communist Party of China entering the classroom.

In November 2023, this activity was selected into the "Big Ideological and Political Course" high-quality resource demonstration project with the theme of revolutionary cultural relics jointly announced by the State Administration of Cultural Heritage and the Ministry of Education.

  According to the relevant person in charge of the Social Sciences Department of the Ministry of Education, the Ministry of Education organized universities with national and provincial key Marxist colleges to carry out the first batch of 453 "big ideological and political course" practical teaching bases established by the Ministry of Education, the Ministry of Science and Technology and other eight departments. Pairing action helps universities, middle schools and primary schools organize practical research and develop high-quality teaching resources.

  Some provinces are also building provincial-level practical teaching bases for “ideological and political courses.”

  In Fujian, the "See Eight Fujian" ideological and political course research and practice activities are being carried out, providing abundant resources for the practical teaching of ideological and political courses in universities, middle schools and primary schools.

Primary and middle school students often visit and study on Xiamen University’s scientific research ship "Jia Geng".

"I will work hard and contribute to the motherland's scientific and technological undertakings in the future." The students were deeply touched after the visit.

  In Sichuan, at Southwest Jiaotong University's Spiritual Education Base for Transportation Powerful Scientists, motorcycle exhibits from different periods show the development of science and technology, and manuscripts and photos reflect the spirit of scientists.

The base has currently received more than 60,000 visitors, including college, middle and primary school students.

  "The integrated construction of ideological and political courses in universities, middle schools and primary schools is a systematic project." Qin Xuan, leader of the expert steering group of the Steering Committee for the Integrated Construction of Ideological and Political Courses in universities, middle schools and primary schools and professor at Renmin University of China, said: "This requires our continuous efforts. Study carefully, actively explore, form synergy, and achieve success over time.”

  Coordinator of this issue: Guo Yue

  Our reporter Wu Yue

  Source: People's Daily