This winter,

Ice and snow tourism is “popular”,

No one can stop people from rushing to Harbin in droves.

Go and experience the beautiful "frozen people" of the world of ice and snow.

Although the "overlord" pampering guests warms people's hearts,

But the weather of minus 20 degrees is real!

Waves of cold air are coming,

Autumn clothes and autumn pants can no longer withstand the raging cold wave.

Heaters and hand warmers can only provide partial warmth.

Although electric blankets can evenly heat 360 degrees,

But the place outside the bed is the refrigerator.

Xining, Qinghai Province, ushered in the first snowfall after the beginning of winter in 2023.

Photo by Ma Mingyan


Standing in the cold place of the "third pole" of the earth,

The time of year that is either in winter or around winter,

Our ancestors used thousands of years of experience to

Give the correct answer to cold resistance,

That is - delicious food.

Lao Bapan.

Photographed by netizen "Fengzi"

Hold it in your hand and warm it in your heart

When the cold wave hits, grab a cup of warm milk tea.

Warm your palms and dispel the cold.

But don’t be greedy for milk tea because it’s high in sugar.

At this time, the salty milk tea from the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau,

is a good choice.

Have a bowl of salty milk tea.

Photo by He Qiannan

Fu tea, milk and green salt are fixed combinations.

Can be freely combined with red dates, pepper, ginger, etc.

Qinghai people also like to add Schizonepeta, mint and other substances to their milk tea.

Finally, the milk tea is brewed,

The tea tastes mellow and milky,

Nutritious and warm.

Make salty milk tea.

Photo by He Qiannan

If you come to Qinghai people’s home as a guest,

First, a cup of piping hot tea will be served in front of you.

Get up early and drink a cup of tea first.

It is also a deep-rooted habit of many Qinghai people.

Brewing tea on a Tibetan earthen stove.

Photo by Hu Jinxi

And boil (read nao) tea,

It's what salty milk tea looks like without adding milk.

Make milk tea.

Photo by Li Xia

For many people,

Add salt or spices to tea,

It seems incredible,

But this way of drinking tea,

But it has been passed down from generation to generation.

Have a cup of tea to beat the cold.

Photo by He Qiannan

Making tea is not just a dish of tea;

It is also a good medicine.

For Qinghai people who like to eat beef and mutton,

It has the effect of relieving greasiness and aiding digestion.

Make tea.

Photo by He Qiannan

cold season,

The deep red tea soup simmers slowly on the fire,

The rising steam of tea warmed the room.

Let yours be from the inside out,

Warm from heart to stomach!

The warmest thing is that bowl of noodles

Noodles have been on the dining table for thousands of years.

When the weather is cold, have a bowl of noodles.

It can repel the cold and keep warm, which is the best way to relieve worries.

The original soup solves the original food problem.

Photo by He Qiannan

November 2002,

At the Lajia ruins in Qinghai,

A bowl of noodles that had been "overturned" for 4,000 years was brought back to light.

Over the years, Qinghai has also relied on its profound historical heritage to

There are many kinds of pasta,

The flavors are endless.

Spicy pepper beef noodles.

Photo by Ma Chunxiang

A native of Qinghai,

I rarely eat noodles made by machines.

The chewiness and toughness of the noodles all depend on the skill of kneading the noodles.

Make noodles, wake up noodles,

The strips of dough are rounded and thinned one by one.

Cook in pot.

Pull ramen.

Photo by Chen Qifeng

Dice the vegetables, stir-fry with the meat, add soup and cook until soft.

Pour a spoonful onto cooked ramen noodles to make saozi noodles;

Handmade fried noodles.

Photo by Zhao Linsong

Stir-fry with beef and mutton, green and red peppers, melon, and vermicelli.

Then stir-fry with noodles,

You get one-pot fried ramen;

beef ramen.

Photographed by netizen "Fengzi"

When stir-frying,

Cut the noodles into short noodles shaped like firecrackers.

Then there is another uniquely named firecracker noodle;

Firecracker noodles.

Photo by Hai Qingliang

If the dough is flattened and stretched,

Then pull it into large square nails,

After being cooked, it becomes a dough sheet.

Pull out the dough pieces.

Photo by Chen Qifeng

Put down some green vegetables.

Add some chopped green onions,

You can get a bowl of noodles in clear soup;

Noodles in clear soup.

Photo by Ma Chunxiang

Or stir-fry with beef, mutton and vegetables.

You can also harvest a bowl of fried noodles;

Fried noodles.

Photo by Chen Qifeng

Dip the noodles into the beef and mutton soup.

A bowl of fragrant broth noodles

Broth noodles.

Photo by Ma Chunxiang

Smooth and smooth to the muscles,

Rich and salty aroma,

Warm and rustic,

All mingled hot in the bowl,

The aroma is overwhelming.

"Dazzle" a bowl of noodles.

Photographed by netizen "Fengzi"

There are also a lot of pasta,

Aliases due to different processes,

They have different names because of their different shapes.

Cun Cun noodles, flag noodles, rag shirts, mixed leather, cat ears, fried fish

Kneading noodles.

Photo by He Qiannan

They are either soup or fried,

Some are stretching and some are rolling,

It can be simmered in a large pot or mixed in a small bowl.

A mouthful of soup, a mouthful of noodles,

It's a cold day,

This bowl of noodles is the best way to relieve your worries.

Handmade noodles.

Photo by Ma Chunxiang

Only hot pot can defeat "cooling down"

In the cold and windy weather,

Best for eating hot pot together.

Sichuan and Chongqing hot pot, Chaoshan beef hot pot, Beijing copper pot shabu-shabu...

Or try Qinghai local hot pot.

Qinghai local hot pot.

Photo by Chen Qifeng

The mutton soup and sauerkraut collide into the bottom of the pot.

When the hot pot is served,

Braised pork belly, fried hairtail, croquettes, beef, fried tofu, fried potatoes and other cooked ingredients have been neatly stacked in the pot.


Photo by Chen Qifeng

After frying or stewing,

The fat has been removed from the meat,

Paired with vermicelli, mushrooms, tofu, fungus, and kelp,

Sprinkle some green and red pepper shreds for garnishing.

The soup color is clear,

The taste is mellow.

Local hot pot side dishes.

Photo by Chen Qifeng

Make a fire and add charcoal,

The boiling copper pot evaporates with heat and fragrance,

Drink soup and eat meat,

Slowly enjoy the delicious taste of local hot pot,

The emotions between people also continue to heat up.

Gather together.

Photo by Chen Qifeng

Everything can be kang

"Kang" is a sleeping platform made of bricks, slabs, etc. in the north.

There is a hole underneath for a fire to keep warm.

"Kang" is also a unique cooking method in Qinghai!


Photo by Wang Bintian

The uniqueness of Kang,

It lies in the utensil used for cooking - aluminum pot,

The thick aluminum pot reacts wonderfully with the ingredients.

The same ingredients and seasonings,

It's a different feeling when you get out of the kang.

Kang pot delicacies.

Photo by Ma Chunxiang

Among them, the most popular one is Kang pot mutton.

Potatoes, hand-made flour, onions, corn...

Pair with raw lamb chops or cooked lamb,

Put the aluminum pot into the pot over low heat.

Kang pot mutton.

Photographed by netizen "Iris"

Vegetables and meat absorb each other's flavors,

The aroma spreads in all directions amidst the sound of "sizzling",

The mutton was cooked until it was golden and shiny.

A crispy bite, fat but not greasy,

The bones fall off in one sip, and the taste is fresh and tender.

Take another bite of the side dishes that are full of fat and seasonings.

The mouth is full of aroma and very enjoyable!

Kang pot chicken.

Photo by He Qiannan

The thick aluminum pot slowly dissipates heat and cools down.

The aroma and heat filled the whole room.

Kang pot mutton.

Photo by Chen Qifeng

There is no Qinghai person who doesn’t love Kang pot potato.

The potato paste from the kang is sweet, fragrant and tender.

Hold one warmly,

One bite made my teeth burst into laughter.

Kang Pot Potato.

Photo by Chen Yongting

And in Qinghai,

Everything can be kang!

Kang pot potatoes with vermicelli.

Photo by He Qiannan

Pork, beef, chicken

The meat is crispy on the outside and tender on the inside.

Potatoes, sweet potatoes, carrots

The vegetables cooked on the kang are soft, glutinous and delicious!

Kang pot.

Photo by Ma Chunxiang

At night when snowflakes are blooming,

About three or five friends,

Sitting cross-legged on the hot kang,

Bring a kang pot,

Pushing cups and changing cups, laughing and making noise,

Even the breath is warm.

Come to the party!

Photo by Ma Chunxiang

Cook a bowl and say goodbye to the cold

The weather is too cold,

I always want to drink some hot soup.

Remove from the pan.

Photographed by netizen "Fengzi"

Cook a bowl of steaming rice (pronounced nao),

Lamb soup base,

Pair with white radish slices, vermicelli, jelly, potato cubes, mutton cubes, fried meatballs, fried tofu, etc.

Boil and eat.

Say goodbye to the cold with a bowl;

Mutton is "boiled (nao) rice".

Photographed by netizen "Fengzi"

Cook a bowl of lamb/beef powder soup,

The soup base is still carefully cooked with sheep/beef and sheep/beef bones.

Use oyster mushrooms, small rapeseed, fried tofu, etc. as side dishes.

Sprinkle with garlic sprouts, coriander, and chopped green onion for garnish.

Delicious mutton soup, silky vermicelli,

It’s already enjoyable to watch;

Beef powder soup.

Photo taken by netizen "Yixijun"

Cook a bowl of mutton soup,

The soup made with sheep head, bone marrow and heart is fragrant and delicious.

Add haggis that has been boiled, stewed and refined,

Sprinkle with garlic sprouts and coriander,

A big bowl full of it.

At this time, another piece of cake,

Just eat it with soup.

That’s a satisfaction!

Haggis soup.

Photographed by netizen "Fengzi"

Make a bowl of glutinous rice soup,

After boiling the fermented glutinous rice, the smell of wine fades away.

Only the soft sourness and the sweetness are left,

Fragrance lingers between lips and teeth.

Fermented glutinous rice soup.

Photographed by netizen "Fengzi"

After adding milk and eggs to the glutinous rice,

I got a bowl of fermented glutinous rice with milk and eggs.

The beaten eggs bloom in the bowl,

Tender white milk soup base,

It is sprinkled with black sesame seeds, peanuts, walnut kernels, wolfberries, raisins, etc.

Not only is it delicious to drink, it’s also pleasing to the eye.

Make milk-egg fermented glutinous rice and ingredients: wolfberry.

Photo taken by netizen "Yixijun"

Take a sip,

Smack, smack, smack,

Hot, sweet, and warm.

Milk and egg fermented glutinous rice soup.

Photographed by netizen "Yixijun"

Only if you are warm from the inside out, from your heart to your stomach,

Only in this way can you really increase your cold resistance.

Today I will introduce these models to you.

Plateau delicacies that can withstand the cold,

Everyone is welcome to leave your hometown’s cold-fighting strategies to fight!

  Author: He Qiannan

  (China News Service WeChat official account)