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Provocateur: Kanye West in 2020

Photo: Rich Fury / Vanity Fair / Getty Images

The rapper Kanye West has recently appeared with a metal denture front.

The continuous chewing bar with vampire-like sharp canine teeth is made of titanium, designed by the artist himself and, according to a source, “more expensive than diamonds,” the British tabloid Daily Mail reported on Wednesday.

West, who goes by Ye for short, paid $850,000 to have his teeth completely removed and replaced with a titanium prosthesis.

West himself spread the sum on Instagram.

A spokesman for West confirmed on Friday that the rapper now wears "permanent titanium teeth" - a slightly different choice of words than the previously announced "titanium prosthesis."

In the meantime, the dentist involved in the operation, Thomas Connelly from Beverly Hills, had made it clear that he had not removed the natural teeth and that they were still intact under the metal rails.

As a result, users on social networks commented on posts in which West was shown with titanium teeth, saying that they were more likely to be the grillz that are widespread in hip-hop culture - more tooth decorations than dentures, placed on instead of replaced.

Years ago it was reported that Kanye West had most of his natural teeth ground down to small stumps.

In any case, West got what he probably hoped for: attention.

He himself brought up the comparison with the “biter,” the villain character from two Bond films with metallic teeth.

The next Nazi post

For years, the rapper, who according to his ex-wife Kim Kardashian was diagnosed with bipolar disorder, has been provoking people with increasingly shrill actions.

West brought himself into disgrace with many, particularly with conspiracy theories and anti-Semitic agitation, and lost billion-dollar marketing deals with Adidas, for example.

He went as far as making death threats and saying he “loved Nazis.”

At the end of December, West was conciliatory with a post in Hebrew asking the Jewish community for forgiveness.

Apparently that has already been forgotten.

On Friday, West followed up with another Nazi post.

In a photo published via Instagram, he appeared alongside fellow rapper JPEGMafia.

He wore a T-shirt from the Norwegian black metal band Burzum with the portrait of their frontman Kristian "Varg" Vikernes.

The follower of an occult Germanic cult confessed to National Socialism several times and was once convicted of murdering a bandmate, setting fire to churches in Norway and collecting explosives for terrorist attacks.

According to some critics, the font and album design of Kanye West's planned album "Vultures", which is now scheduled to be released in February after several canceled dates, are similar to those of Burzum.

So the nod to the far right could be interpreted in a friendly way: as a PR stunt.

In any case, metal flashed in Kanye West's mouth in the new photo.
