Sara Polo Madrid


Updated Sunday, January 21, 2024-20:33

  • Travel This is the mega-luxury hotel where Jordi Évole took C. Tangana: "Inform them that it is very expensive"

  • Opinion Évole was right: the interview with 'Ternera'

"He comes to the program where there is supposed to be controversy to say that he no longer wants to be controversial."

Jordi Évole

speaks on the phone with Patri and promises to make sure his son behaves well.

"Yes, now he wants to be cool and a good person," she responds in a voice drenched in joyful irony.



C. Tangana

's mother to let him know when she took him to her show, but he got lost and called just about to start recording.

What follows is an hour of conversation with the incomparable setting of the Amalfi Coast in the background, a meeting that the singer promised the journalist three years ago on Twitter, although he does not remember it, and that opens this Sunday night the fifth season of

About Évole


"I'm not going to tell you all my secrets, what a shame," jokes


, before opening up to reach a terrible conclusion: "People care about their parents, their friends, they don't care about you. If you inspire them, fine; but if not, what are you, famous?"

A few days before the premiere,


has not yet finalized the complete list of characters with whom he will share the screen.

He does say that he will chat with

Ana Belén

, with the survivors of the accident in the Andes, with

Albert Pla

, and that he will reconstruct those three days that changed the History of Spain when 20 years have passed since 11-M with its protagonist,

José Luis Rodríguez Shoemaker


And he reveals two


that have made him "special":

Isabel Díaz Ayuso


Carles Puigdemont


"We've tried, the good thing is that they have a replacement," he says, and doesn't give up.

And what excuse have they given? They tell you that they don't have room in the agenda and that same night you see Ayuso on 13TV, but it is what it is.

We will continue fighting it.

The two political figures in the recent history of Spain who stand out from the table are Ayuso and Sánchez, and everything is set for a confrontation in the next general elections.

That day the video game ends, it's like a Champions League final between Barça and Madrid.

They are the two great politicians who have known how to understand the current times, the speed at which everything moves, that with a Joma pens you can become the protagonist of the day.

They are, in many ways, much more similar than they think.

I think Ayuso and Puigdemont will end up coming.

They are making themselves difficult. Have you thought about someone retired from politics, like Pablo Casado? For me he would be a great character, of course, but I don't think he would suit you.

He could fill in those parts of the story that are more attractive, the ones that are difficult for us to obtain, knowing what happened those days when Ayuso killed him, because it is a murder in broad daylight, but I don't think he wants problems. ¿ And Pablo Iglesias, now that Podemos is celebrating 10 years, hasn't he tried it out? The truth is that he hasn't.

I think it is very difficult to be Pablo Iglesias.

What Podemos entailed at the time was something unprecedented, unusual in the democratic trajectory of our country: placing a party to the left of the PSOE with the possibility of even being the second force.

That is a hit that then takes an incredible toll on you, and that is what has happened to Pablo Iglesias, who I also believe is one of the politicians most mistreated by the Spanish media system.

As a citizen, I thank him that he had the courage and bravery to throw himself into an arena as dodgy and as full of piranhas as Spanish politics.

"I feel very proud to be Spanish when I see that we have said no to a government with the extreme right"

He won a dinner for Macarena Olona in his interview, where he bet that he would run for election.

Did you have dinner? You still owe me, politicians don't keep their promises even when they record them.

It makes me happy to see how Vox is doing right now, to see how they are destroying each other, and I feel very proud to be Spanish when I see that there is an important part of the citizens that has decided to say no to a possible government with the extreme right. A forecast for the legislature? The PSOE has started by stepping on the accelerator in a very crazy way, but I think that everything will be repositioned and if they manage to have a long legislature, which Junts is not going to make easy, there will still be a party.

I don't think things are much less tied than on July 23 despite the Amnesty Law or the negotiations with Junts.

What I do see is an enormous difference between the two leaders: I think Sánchez is demonstrating charismatic gifts that I don't see in Feijóo. He comes from working with Netflix on the controversy Don't

call me Ternera

, he did

Amen, Francisco responds

with Disney+, but ends returning to traditional television. I am very well where I am, I continue to be very seduced by the possibility that viewers want to watch a program on a certain day at a certain time, and comment on it the next morning.

Creating a television event motivates me a lot.

And then I only do 10 programs a year, I want to do few because I consider that this is how they have to distinguish themselves.

There end up being 10 penalties, I have to put them all in, I can't shoot any of them at the post.

I feel very privileged.

"You have to be very stupid to believe that by interviewing someone you are taking a position on their side"


was the leader of the chain in the last season.

After so many years and with a settled public, do they still get up to watch the hearings? I believe that it is my obligation to be concerned about the hearings.

I have a lot of equipment and I want to maintain it, I want to maintain the budgets I have for the program, and for that I have to give results.

TV works like that, you can't live off your name or your past.

It's like music: you can't live the whole life of the


even if you're Serrat, you can't live the whole life of Messi's Champions League, even if you're Barça.

You have to eat your head and you have to be uncertain, at times you have to have a hard time.

This Monday I know that I'm going to get up and go straight to look for the information, as calm as I was. You ask C Tangana if he always thought about

breaking it


I'll pass on the question to you. I don't have as much nerve as Antón has, but of course I wanted to smash it.

It seems to me that denying it would be absurd.

There are times when you feel like it more, others when you feel like it less, but I do a type of show where you need to get attention.

Of course I have that vocation to transcend. Is there someone I would never interview? Well yes, but it's all a very skin-deep question.

You can tell me: "But if you have interviewed a murderer, what are you telling me...".

Yes, but there is something that that person provokes in you, even if it is rejection.

Lately we are confusing interviewing with positioning a lot, it seems that if you talk to someone you are following the parameters, ideology or creed of that person.

You have to be very stupid to think that.