Updated Saturday, January 20, 2024-00:26

King Felipe VI has decided to give a new boost to the Crown by renewing the most important position in its internal functioning: that of head of the King's Household, the person in charge of modulating the institution's policy.

It is a key movement to rejuvenate the Monarchy and adapt it to the times,

at a particularly critical moment for the constitutional order before the amnesty,

and also in line with the modernizing desire that has guided the reign since 2014. The European profile

This of the new head of Zarzuela, who comes from Josep Borell's cabinet and had previously worked in positions of maximum trust with ministers of the PP and the PSOE, clearly exudes a symbolic message of acceptance of the framework of the European Union due to its vital importance now for

the guarantee of political stability and legal security of Spain.

Zarzuela reported yesterday on the replacement of the current head of the House, Jaime Alfonsín, who will be replaced in February by the diplomat Camilo Villarino.

Alfonsín, a 67-year-old State lawyer, had been dedicated to the Royal Family for three decades, linked from the beginning to the service of Don Felipe.

In fact, his first position was at the head of the Secretariat of the Prince of Asturias in 1995.

Since then, Alfonsín has demonstrated unwavering loyalty, but of course also enormous audacity and an exemplary political pulse.

In 2014, with the proclamation of Felipe VI, he was named head of the House, and began a decade of very profound transformation in the Spanish Monarchy, of which he is a kind of inspiration.

In a short time, Zarzuela adopted a series of integrity standards that were essential for his survival.

The last years of the reign of Juan Carlos I had dynamited citizen credibility in the Institution.

And the measures were correct.

Felipe VI's popularity skyrocketed thanks to a series of corrections applied in the interests of accountability and modernity.

Alfonsín has been present in very difficult moments,

such as the reduction of the Royal Family and the withdrawal of the title from Infanta Cristina, and fundamental was her participation in the speech on October 3, 2017, in response to the attack by the independence movement.

The most traumatic movement was the departure of the Emeritus of Zarzuela.

The firewall was then controversial, but effective.

The Monarchy is once again committed to the unavoidable principle of exemplarity.

A great challenge awaits Villarino, after a long career in which the work he did from Foreign Affairs stands out for

portray to the EU the lies of the independence movement.

At the service of Felipe VI, he faces an unstable political situation, with a society eroded by polarization.

The replacement occurs at a very difficult time, marked by the amnesty and after the King has warned that "outside the Constitution there is no democracy."

The challenge is enormous, because the responsibility of embodying the Spain of constitutional modernity weighs on the Crown.

that we want to be, a space of coexistence that overcomes discord, that looks to the future with the hope of new times.


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