China News Service, Xi'an, January 19 (Alina, Zhang Junfeng, Tian Yulu) The reporter learned from the Baoji Forestry Bureau on the 19th that on the 17th, the staff of the Shaanxi Red River Valley Forest Park, located at the northern foot of Taibai Mountain in Mei County, Baoji City, Qinling Mountains Wen Xiaowei and his colleagues encountered a wild goat and a takin while clearing snow on the park's roads and conducting inspections. They took two precious videos with their mobile phones.

Wild hemp sheep "sprint 100 meters".

Photo by Wen Xiaowei

  At around 2:30 pm that day, the staff found a black sheep on the roadside 50 meters up the park's "Ruicui Waterfall". The cell phone video taken showed that the sheep hurriedly followed someone when it saw someone passing by. The mountain road started to run very fast, sprinting up the hillside for 100 meters and disappearing into the woods. It was strong and agile, climbing the hillside as if it were on flat ground.

The real and fake takin are "three sworn brothers".

Photo by Wen Xiaowei

  At around 2:50 pm, when the staff arrived near the park's "Dongtian Ancient Rhythm" scenic spot, they discovered a wild takin resting on a rock under a recessed cliff on the roadside.

Coincidentally, when the staff were taking pictures with their mobile phones, the wild takin was in the same frame as the two takin science sculptures built in the park. The three "takin" were all standing next to the ground, stopping and staring. If you don't observe carefully, it would be difficult to see Distinguishing the true from the false is like a takin version of "Three Brothers in Taoyuan".

  According to the staff of the Honghe River Valley Forest Park, there are a large number of national first- and second-level protected wild animals such as takin and hemp sheep in the park area. They generally live in dense forests in deep mountains and are rarely seen in normal times.

Due to the recent widespread rainfall and snow in the Qinling Mountains, it has become more difficult for wild animals to find food, so they will go down to the edge of the forest to search for food close to human activity areas.

Recently, local forest farm staff and tourists have encountered rare wild animals many times.

  In recent years, as Baoji City's ecological protection and restoration efforts have continued to increase, the ecological environment has continued to improve. In particular, the population of rare species in the Qinling Mountains has been effectively restored, biodiversity has steadily increased, ecological functions have continued to improve, and wild animals have strayed into human homes. phenomenon occurs frequently.

  Local forestry workers remind the public that if you see wild animals in the wild, if they are not injured or sick, please try not to get close to them, and do not feed them random food, as doing so may harm them.
