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Video duration 01 minutes 51 seconds 01:51

Al Jazeera's camera monitored the exit of hundreds of thousands of Spanish demonstrators in more than 100 cities across the country today, Saturday.

They demand an immediate ceasefire and an end to what they described as “genocide” in the Gaza Strip.

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The demonstrators demanded that the Spanish government take actual steps to stop the Israeli war against the Gaza Strip, which resulted in the death of tens of thousands and caused widespread destruction to the Strip, which was abandoned by the majority of its residents.

For her part, former Minister Yoni Pilar attacked the Spanish government and said that it was far from taking concrete steps to stop the genocide against the Palestinians, while it "must support the lawsuit filed by South Africa in the International Criminal Court against Israel."

The demonstrators also raised other demands, including stopping trade exchange with Israel, especially in the field of military equipment.