Buy a ticket for JJ Lin and become Lin Zixiang denies "ticket bounce"; consumers claim the platform's interactive design is suspected of "misleading hand swiping"

  "DaMai swallowed my JJ Lin concert tickets." On January 12, a consumer posted on a social platform, saying that he snapped up tickets for JJ Lin's concert on, but after paying, he discovered that the tickets he bought had turned into Got tickets to George Lam's concert.

"I didn't get it at first and kept swiping. When I saw that 1380 could be paid, I immediately went to pay. I was going to take a screenshot and post it on Moments, but I found that the ticket was a ticket for Lin Zixiang's concert?"

  Yangzi Evening News/Ziniu News reporter Shen Zhao

Clicking "JJ Lin" may jump to "Lin Zixiang"

  JJ Lin becomes Lin Zixiang, what kind of "trick" is this?

In the comment area of ​​this post, another consumer also said that he encountered a similar problem, "Obviously I was trying to grab Lin JJ. I made an appointment and queued up first. Suddenly I was able to pay. After I paid, I found out it was Lin Zixiang and refunds were not supported." payment."

  At the same time, some netizens discovered that this might be a mistake. On the Damai APP interface at that time, the JJ Lin concert project was placed in a separate small section. Users could click on this section to jump to the JJ Lin concert. Use the ticket purchase interface to select a date, select a gear, and then pay.

But this small section is not exclusive to JJ Lin's concert project. There is a small line of words in the upper right corner that reads "Lin Zixiang Chengdu". Click to jump to the Lin Zixiang concert project.

If the user is close to the upper right corner area when clicking on this section, they may jump to either Lin Zixiang's project or JJ Lin's project.

  Tickets for JJ Lin's concerts are very popular and hard to come by. Is it because the platform is "adjusting" the tickets that the tickets are bouncing, or are consumers accidentally hurt by the small words on the interactive interface that are easy to accidentally touch?

On January 19, a reporter asked Damai customer service. Damai customer service firmly denied that there was any ticket bounce on the platform. The customer service said: "After strict inspection and verification by our company's technology, Damai does not have any ticket bounce. If the session selected by the user is not in stock Damai will stay at that event, and the page will show that there are no tickets for the event. Damai does not automatically switch to other items. Only when the user manually selects other concerts to place an order will orders for other concerts be created." For others, Consumers questioned the possibility of mis-touching in the interactive design of this section, but Damai customer service did not give a clear reply and only repeatedly stated that there were no ticket bounces on the platform.

"Ticket adjustment" has been done more than once

  The bizarre "ticket adjustment" situation of buying game A and changing it to game B has happened more than once.

  In July 2023, some consumers said that they pre-selected tickets for the music festival on the 29th in Damai, but after paying, they found that the system jumped to tickets for the 30th; in September, some consumers bought tickets for Eason Chan's Shanghai concert. But after paying, it was discovered that it was Eason Chan's concert in Los Angeles; in October, when consumers bought tickets for Eason Chan's concert, they discovered after paying that they had bought tickets for Chen Li's concert; in November, another consumer snapped up Rainie Yang Beijing station concert tickets, after paying, I found out it was Zhengzhou station...

  "DaMai will bounce the check" is a common saying among most consumers who encounter this situation, and most consumers have encountered problems such as being unable to refund the check or having difficulty in refunding the check, and having to bear handling fees for the refund. Some of them have reported to the Municipal Supervision Bureau Reports and other methods were used to refund tickets, but some consumers also transferred tickets or changed their viewing plans.

Regarding the issue of JJ Lin becoming Lin Zixiang, some consumers have reported that Damai Platform has processed refunds, and Damai Platform has stated that it will provide full refunds to viewers who have not verified the cancellation.

  With so many oolong incidents, it is difficult to judge at once what is right and wrong. No matter what is the reason for the oolong, it is difficult for the ticket purchasing platform to stay out of it.

It is difficult for outsiders to know whether there are loopholes in the system that cause consumers' tickets to be "adjusted" from time to time. However, the "misleading purchase of tickets" claimed by consumers is also worthy of reflection on the platform. In such a section set up for popular projects, why is it still Want to squeeze in a small line of text to jump to other project pages?

  In September 2023, the Ministry of Culture and Tourism and the Ministry of Public Security jointly issued the "Notice on Further Strengthening the Standardized Management of Large-scale Commercial Performance Events to Promote the Healthy and Orderly Development of the Performance Market", which clearly requires that performance organizers should establish a refund mechanism for large-scale performance events. Protect ticket purchasers’ legitimate rights to refunds.

(Yangzi Evening News)