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Public prosecutor's office in Detmold

Photo: Friso Gentsch / picture alliance / dpa

Once again, security authorities have apparently thwarted a possible Islamist attack plan.

According to SPIEGEL information, investigators arrested a young convert this morning on behalf of the Detmold public prosecutor's office.

The seventeen-year-old is said to have broken into the sibling Scholl comprehensive school in the city last night to steal bomb-making materials.

A spokesman for the public prosecutor's office confirmed the case upon request.

We are currently investigating suspicions of preparing an explosive explosion.

Sulfuric acid, aluminum grit, test tubes

According to SPIEGEL information, the accused arrived at school shortly after one o'clock.

There he is said to have stolen chemicals such as iron (III) oxide and aluminum grit as well as pipettes and test tubes.

After a short escape, the alerted police were able to catch him near the crime scene.

During a search of the children's room in the parents' apartment, state security officers are said to have seized an additional 750 milliliters of sulfuric acid.

In an initial interrogation, the young person is said to have partially confessed.

He wanted to blow up a building, but didn't want to kill people.

The accused was apparently known to the security authorities as an Islamist.

According to information from security circles, he is said to have regularly visited a mosque where Chechen Salafists also frequented.

Experts are currently examining his cell phone for possible instigators or accomplices.

The young person will be brought before the judge later today.

Danger from terrorist group ISPK

It was only over the Christmas and New Year holidays that the police arrested several terror suspects for suspected plans to attack Cologne Cathedral and St. Stephen's Cathedral in Vienna.

The leads led to an offshoot of the Islamic State terrorist group, the “Islamic State of Khorasan Province” (ISPK).

The militia is primarily active in Afghanistan.

It is also currently considered the most dangerous Islamist terrorist group in Europe.