Jorge Loser

Updated Thursday, January 18, 2024-21:33

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A decade has passed since

Nic Pizzolatto

shook the foundations of television with the first season of

True Detective

, a milestone that went far beyond its visible qualities to establish a series model limited to eight episodes, cinematographic values ​​and actors that they could find prestige on the small screen without it meaning giving up projects destined for the Oscars on the big screen.


had not yet arrived in Spain, the only active platform was


and the authority was shared between AMC and


, who made a splash with something that no one expected.

Today everything has changed and considering a series as

an eight-hour movie

has become almost a cliché, and we are no longer surprised that

Jodie Foster

, winner of an Oscar for playing detective Clarice Starling in

The Silence of the Lambs

, is goal in a television product.

That is no longer special, although, fortunately or unfortunately, its anthology format has allowed it not to repeat itself too much in structures and, at the same time that the

effort to create its identity

has been noted , it has also been disappointing its users. fans.

For the first three installments, the essence of the series was its gritty detective stories written by Pizzolatto, regardless of the themes they dealt with.

What defined the

True Detective

brand was a concept and an author, but someone at HBO had to stop and think about

what it was about that first season that continues to attract viewers

and they haven't been able to repeat.


Polar Night

seems to have understood that a key element to win back its fans is to explore the most suggestive elements of Rust Cohle's research, the darkest areas that continue to create questions and are the origin of the existentialist disquisitions of

Matthew 's character.



To know more


The ice beneath 'True Detective'

  • Editor: LUIS ALEMANY Madrid

The ice beneath 'True Detective'


'True Detective' and 'Blood Line': shattered families and other destruction


'True Detective' and 'Blood Line': shattered families and other destruction

The purpose is to rescue everything that worked so well in the original, despite having

a totally different creative team


It is the first time that Pizzolatto limits himself to being an executive producer and has passed the


baton to director

Issa López

, who writes and directs all the episodes.

The Mexican stood out among horror fans thanks to her 2017 film


, a magical realism story about children trapped in a drug war in Mexico.

The surprising thing is that

Polar Night

was a completely independent script by López that had nothing to do with the HBO series.

The channel came up with the treatment and found that there were enough similarities with

True Detective

, so only a few tweaks were needed to turn it into the new season, defining a way of working that could be the key to the rebirth of the franchise.

The change of hands is essential, although it can cause confusion, since in that same logic it could have turned a series like

Mare of Easttown

, from 2021, into an equally compelling mystery to enter the brand's new anthology dynamic, but The difference is in the inspiration in Thomas Ligotti of those first episodes.

For López, as he comments in the promotion, what was missing was recovering

"that aroma of cosmic horror."


When the other seasons, which were great in their own way, moved away from him, I was a little disappointed," she admits.

Polar Night

wants to be the mirror of the most effective elements of that trip, changing the south for the icy Alaskan winter at the time of year when darkness is perpetual.

There's not so much a return to the ideas of

weird fiction

like Carcosa, but there is a community that believes in the land and in something much older and more powerful than outsiders can understand.

True Detective: Polar Night

introduces the supernatural, strange symbols and ambiguity by placing a team of police officers in a frigid environment.

It moves between the murders of natives that Taylor Sheridan exposed in

Wind River

and the mystery at a scientific station in John Carpenter's

The Thing

, but with a message about climate change.

Some of the

actual Dyatlov Pass incident of 1959

can also be traced back to the mysterious disappearance and discovery by investigators with no clear explanation as to why there are

frozen bodies without clothes

and some missing body parts.

The enigmas remain unfathomable, but López's point of view and Foster's protagonism give another nuance to

a series that had been accused of


, although its female protagonists are also rude and far from being perfect, like all the characters in other deliveries.

There are other details that open more gaps, such as the reduction to six episodes, and that in the credits of

Polar Night the recognizable


inspired by the blues have been changed

to the song

Bury a Friend

by Billie Eilish, which indicates to the public , a few minutes after the premiere,

we enter another generational territory


It remains to be seen if this new setup convinces those who continue to long for the King in Yellow.