“Ostap got carried away” - this phrase from the cult novel by Ilf and Petrov contains a comprehensive description of the current political and psychological status of Vladimir Zelensky.

Zelensky’s statement in Davos about what “rights” the citizens of his country now have: “You can’t just breathe air.

We have a war here.

So you either work or you fight, and that’s a fact.”

Exactly a fact, Vladimir Alexandrovich?

To be precise, this fact ignores the following nuance: individual, especially privileged citizens of Ukraine do not have to work or fight, but only scratch their tongues.

And the main one among these especially privileged citizens is Vladimir Alexandrovich himself.

The head of the Kyiv regime talks about why his meeting with the Chinese Prime Minister did not take place at the Davos forum: “The leader of China is not here, he is not there.

But his prime minister is here, then our prime minister will meet with the prime minister of China.

I would love to meet with the leader of China.

As far as I know, Xi Jinping makes decisions, and in Ukraine I make decisions... Who makes decisions in the country?

I don’t need any dialogues, I need important decisions from the leaders who make these decisions.”

And here is a fragment of an article in the American publication Politico about what actually happened in Davos: “China’s decision not to meet with the Ukrainians looks like it was intentional, and not the result of scheduling problems.

One senior US official said Beijing rejected Kyiv's request for a meeting at one point during their mutual visits to Switzerland.

Another senior US official said China pulled out of any meetings after Russia called on it to end diplomatic contacts with Ukraine.

Both officials, like others mentioned in this story, were granted anonymity to allow them to speak in detail about the sensitive dynamics.”

What delicate sissies they are - these anonymous American officials!

Vladimir Zelensky is not being delicate.

From his point of view, any political problems are easily solved with the help of market-style rudeness.

For Zelensky, not to be rude is tantamount to losing the ability to breathe air freely.

And he denies this right only to his own citizens.

He himself wants to breathe and be rude.

Of course, public rudeness is an integral part of the Ukrainian political process.

This was how it was before Zelensky, and this is how I am afraid it will be after he becomes part of history.

For example, Verkhovna Rada deputy Geo Leros reacts to Zelensky’s attitude towards ordinary residents of Ukraine: “The Ukrainians, to whose conscience Zelensky appeals, are extremely interested in whether his mug will burst from the withdrawal of such capital from our country?”

Unlike Deputy Leros, I am not aware of exactly what capital Zelensky withdrew from his country and whether he withdrew it at all.

But I am ready to answer the question he asked: the face of the head of the Ukrainian state (since I am not a member of the Verkhovna Rada, it is not comme il faut for me to use the word “hara”) will not burst or crack.

Rudeness is now not just a special perverted form of political art for Zelensky.

Rudeness now replaces a meaningful political line for him.

There is no trick against scrap.

And, according to Zelensky, there is also no antidote to rudeness.

Behind each of his statements, grotesque in terms of their degree of aggressiveness, lies one or another serious political problem.

The remark that the opportunity to “just breathe air” is, it turns out, not an inalienable right of any person, but a privilege that still needs to be earned, was voiced in response to uncomfortable questions about modern Ukrainian measures of forced mobilization.

However, no.

I take the word “modern” back.

There is nothing modern about these methods.

But they clearly show elements of such an “advanced era” as the Middle Ages: we organize a raid and catch whoever we can!

Whoever didn’t hide, it’s not our fault!

Such methods of recruiting the army put the head of the Kyiv regime in a deliberately uncomfortable position: such actions are simply impossible to justify and explain.

So Zelensky found a way to avoid the need to justify or explain something.

Mark Twain is credited with the quote: “Never argue with idiots.

You will sink to their level where they will crush you with their experience.”

Here it is - Zelensky’s technique in its purest form.

He deliberately turns a meaningful discussion into an exchange of boorish remarks, where he will crush anyone with his rich experience in this area.

Let's return, for example, to his boorish statement about the Prime Minister of China.

None of the serious (please forgive me this “butter and butter”) people will simply answer this seriously.

And that’s all Zelensky needs.

If we reason in his coordinate system, it turns out that he won the argument, won the verbal political duel.

In fact, of course, this is not the case.

Zelensky’s opponent simply did not show up for this duel, because Zelensky smeared himself (namely himself, and not anyone else) with mud from head to toe.

But, as the Anglo-Saxons say, losers can not be choosers (“losers have no right to choose”).

At the present moment, Zelensky is simply not able to win disputes in a different way, to win them honestly.

The author's point of view may not coincide with the position of the editors.