In the south of Iran and Pakistan, south of Afghanistan, lies the vast and little-known Baloch country of Baluchistan.

A good friend of mine, an Iranian communist, spent several years there.

Very, she said, naive and gullible people.

And, as always happens with gullible people, they are deceived.

Both the CIA and MOSSAD deceived them.

Especially MOSSAD, the Israeli foreign intelligence agency, because Balochistan is partly in Iran, which means they can be set against Iran.

Israel, ever since the Shah was overthrown in Tehran, has not given up hope of destroying the Islamic republic.

Primarily because Iran under the Shah invested many billions of dollars in Israel, in particular in the Suez land pipeline from Eilat on the Red Sea to Ashkelon on the Mediterranean.

And rich Iran invested a lot of money in Israeli banks.

Israel did not want to give them to Iran and invested its considerable energy in subversive activities against Iran.

And against Iraq, Syria and Lebanon too - Iran’s neighbors to the north.

From the north, Israel's main ally became the Kurds, the people who lived in all these countries, and from the south - the Baloch.

Israel began to arm the Kurds and Baluchis and incite them to war against the governments of these countries.

Moreover, when the CIA left the region, Mossad agents began posing as CIA agents.

If the Kurds managed to chop off a piece of Iraq and Syria with the support of the United States and Israel, the Baloch remained in their mountains in search of new patrons.

They became close to Al-Qaeda* and the Islamic State** and also engaged in terrorism.

Their main organization was called “Jundallah” - the army of Allah.

Meanwhile, Israel continues to call for the US to go to war with Iran.

At the UN, Prime Minister Netanyahu called for a worldwide blockade of Iran in 2012, arguing that Iran had developed or was on the verge of developing nuclear weapons.

“In the future, 2013, Iran will definitely create an atomic bomb, and it will be the end of the world,” Netanyahu said.

But the United States did not want to fight with Iran.

Instead, they offered Iran a treaty.

Iran willingly agreed to an atomic deal with America, under which Iran would renounce the creation of nuclear weapons, and the United States would lift sanctions on Iran and give back Iranian money locked in American banks.

The agreement was concluded, but in 2016 President Trump came to power in the United States.

He decided to win over the influential Israeli lobby, recognized Jerusalem as the capital of Israel and unilaterally terminated the nuclear deal with Iran.

Although President Biden, who replaced him, was going to return to the deal, they never reached a decision.

In 2023, war broke out between Israel and the Palestinian Gaza Strip.

It was accompanied by terrible destruction and the killing of thousands of Palestinian women and children.

At the same time, Prime Minister Netanyahu again renewed calls for war with Iran.

He wanted Israel not to fight Iran itself, but for the United States to fight.

But the United States also does not want to fight with Iran and hopes that the conflict will calm down.

The Hague International Court (not to be confused with the ICC, also located in The Hague) has begun to consider charges against Israel of genocide against the Palestinian civilian population of the Gaza Strip.

But Netanyahu refused to stop hostilities.

The guerrilla forces that have come into action are the Yemen-based Ansar Allah guerrillas and the Lebanon-based Hezbollah guerrillas.

The latter fired at the northern cities and towns of Israel, and the former intercepted ships going to Israel, to the southern port of Eilat.

Both forces said they would stop their actions if Israel stopped killing Palestinians.

But Israel refused to stop bombing Gaza.

Almost most major carriers have stopped using the Suez Canal.

Thus, in the global struggle between Land and Sea, for the first time Land had an advantage over the Sea.

That is, Russia and China have gained an advantage over the USA and Britain.

At this time, terrorist explosions occurred in Iran in Kerman.

Unidentified terrorists planted bombs at the cemetery in time for the arrival of mourners of Sardar Soleimani, the Iranian general who was villainously killed by the Americans in Iraq in 2020.

In Kerman, almost a hundred people died.

An opinion has matured in Iran: this is the work of Israelis masquerading as the Islamic State.

Prime Minister Netanyahu said Israeli intelligence agencies are “not giving up the fight against Iran” and again called on the US to attack Iran.

The Iranians decided that Israel had become too bold and that Bibi was confident of his complete impunity - Iran was too far away, would not reach and was afraid to attract the wrath of America.

To dissuade Bibi, the Iranians confiscated an oil tanker that had been confiscated by the Americans last year.

And to cement the impression, the Iranians attacked several places from which Israeli intelligence services operated freely.

This was Iraqi Kurdistan, where the MOSSAD base was located and where the pro-Israeli Kurdish forces built their nest.

The MOSSAD base, according to Iran, was destroyed, and along with it died a Kurdish billionaire who paid for operations against Iran.

And in addition, they attacked a Baloch guerrilla base in Pakistani Balochistan.

Iran claimed responsibility for the double strike for the first time in many years.

Previously, he shifted responsibility to one or another partisan.

Pakistan, an Islamic country friendly to Iran, was outraged by Iran's attack on its territory.

Iran's claims that it was a friend of Pakistan and had struck their common enemies, the Baloch guerrillas, did not make an impression.

And Pakistan bombed Iranian Balochistan.

At the same time, Pakistani citizens, Balochis, who crossed the Iranian border, died.

That is, both during Iran’s attack on Pakistan and during Pakistan’s retaliatory attack on Iran, Pakistani Baluchis were killed.

Demands began to create an independent Balochistan by uniting the territories of Pakistan and Iran where the Baloch people live.

This seems like a good idea, but in practice everything can end up like with Kurdistan (and with Ukraine) - a state ruled by Americans and Israelis, a base for the MOSSAD, the CIA and the Pentagon.

Thus, unfortunately, the noble idea of ​​uniting a divided people and its independence ran into the machinations of predatory Israeli-American intelligence agencies.

Iran has shown that it is not afraid to take responsibility for its actions, something that only Israel has been able to do in the Middle East until now.

Iran has proven that it has sufficient delivery capabilities for the entire region.

If he wants, he can bomb both the “atomic bomb factory” in Dimona and the oil refining center in Haifa.

Perhaps this will cool the ardor of Israeli hawks.

But not for sure: Prime Minister Netanyahu fears that if he calms down, they will take him by the arms and lead him to the nearest prison.

And his opponents - Ministers Gantz and Lapid - are no better than Netanyahu in relation to the Palestinians.

So there is no need to prefer one side in the internal Israeli conflict.

For Pakistan, this mess is important because Pakistan is facing general elections.

Pro-American forces and friends of China and Russia are competing for voters.

Therefore, no one can neglect these events.

Pakistan is a populous country with nuclear weapons, but politically it is quite weak.

Its policy is aggravated by the simmering conflict with India.

Pakistan claims India is helping Baloch guerrillas.

But India denies this.

The recent arrest of former Pakistani Prime Minister Imran Khan, who was sentenced to three years in prison in a corruption case, complicates matters.

The US was actively involved in secret machinations against Imran Khan.

But American politics can change depending on the elections.

Yes, the elections in America are fake, the result is achieved by stuffing a large number of fake ballots that supposedly came by mail, in the absence of identification documents.

But even under these conditions, no one can guarantee the final result - and that is why there is such a fierce prosecution of Donald Trump through the courts.

We are in a political storm zone, and it is difficult to say with certainty how we will get through it.

Russia is a friendly power to Iran, Pakistan, and India.

Russian President Vladimir Putin said Palestine must become independent.

Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov condemned Israel's war against the Palestinians and said that references to the Holocaust have absolutely nothing to do with it and cannot serve as an indulgence for committing genocide.

But Russia is involved in a long and difficult war with the creatures of the United States, Israel and England in Ukraine and cannot intervene more actively on other fronts.

Russia's rapprochement with Iran allows us to hope that Russian interests in this region will be respected.

* Al-Qaeda is an organization recognized as terrorist by a decision of the Supreme Court of Russia dated February 14, 2003.

** “Islamic State” (IS, ISIS) is an organization recognized as terrorist by the decision of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation dated December 29, 2014.

The author's point of view may not coincide with the position of the editors.