Recently, Harbin's tourism popularity has not diminished, making other provinces eager to compete for traffic on short video platforms.

Among them, Henan, Hebei, Shanxi and Shandong, which are nicknamed by netizens as the "Four Provinces of Mountains and Rivers", are the most active.

  Shandong relies on its "local flavor" to call Mai "out of the circle": "Your surname is Dong, and you are from the three eastern provinces. It's cold over there; my surname is Dong, from Shandong, and our place is very clear." This triggered a national cultural and tourism shout-out. In the wheat craze, Henan launched "My surname is He, He Ehe", Hebei launched "Bo A Bei, Da Hebei", and Shanxi launched "My surname is Jin, my name is Jin Bao"... On the 15th, Cao Jinpeng, the wheat shouter, was interviewed by the media. He said, “In the beginning, Shandong Cultural Tourism came to me to call me Mai. Recently, I feel like I have called every major city in the country.”

  In addition, Shanxi Culture and Tourism, with the attitude of "I won't sleep until the moon sleeps", updated 56 short videos a night, posting one every 5 minutes on average.

Netizens ridiculed him for using his best "question tactics", and many netizens also spontaneously became "supervisors" to urge updates.

Under the leadership of Shanxi's "Juan Wang", cultural tourism accounts from various places launched a competition for the stock of cultural tourism short videos.

  "Country-flavored" shouting, mixed scenery, listening to advice to please, and tactics... Because some videos and copywriting are unconventional, netizens have questioned whether cultural tourism promotion is suitable for following the "ugly", "local", "vulgar" and "glamourous" routes .

  Yang Zhi, a Henan native living in Beijing, feels that it is a good thing that the "Four Provinces" cultural tourism short video has exploded on the Internet, allowing everyone to learn more about the history, culture, natural scenery and beauty of these provinces. Customs and favors.

"As a Henanese, it is a matter of great pride to see my hometown 'out of the circle' again in this way and attract more tourists to visit my 'hometown' in Henan." Yang Zhi said.

  Chen Xing, a Beijing citizen, feels, “This wave of cultural and tourism communication is booming. The good thing is that it can boost morale and give some positive feedback to society; the bad thing is that group carnivals lead to bad communication, indiscriminate content, and video style. Not high, there have been a lot of criticisms recently, and various cultural and tourism accounts have been hit by traffic backlash. How to maintain concentration, give full play to the role of short video communication, give tourists a higher quality travel experience, and find out what is suitable for the public The products and commodities consumed by various circles should be more worthy of attention."

  Can the crazy cultural tourism short video marketing help the "Four Provinces of Mountains and Rivers" recreate Harbin's tourism myth?

  Ji Li, a professor at the School of Journalism and Communication at Wuhan University, said in an interview that short videos have natural advantages in cultural tourism promotion. “As of June 2023, the number of short video users in my country has reached 1.026 billion, and the average daily usage time per user has exceeded 3 Hours, the huge user scale and strong user stickiness make it a strong technical advantage to use short videos to promote cultural tourism. Secondly, short videos are highly interactive and can be spread in a way that is more familiar to the audience. Tourism content will greatly mobilize the audience's enthusiasm for participation and further promote the co-creation of cultural and tourism video content."

  Ji Li believes that this is a very novel and beneficial attempt for cultural and tourism bureaus everywhere. “A large number of cultural and tourism short videos can be ‘memed’ by young people, which shows that in the cultural and tourism industry, the audience group represented by young people is still This kind of content production method is more welcome."

  “I don’t think there are too many high-quality requirements for the video content of cultural tourism accounts from various places in a short period of time. This is a cultural carnival that was caught off guard and swarmed. The cultural and tourism departments should see that the broad audience has a strong interest in relaxation, friendship, and warmth. The desire and demand for tourism, we should also see the identity needs and emotional value of the public behind this short video carnival." Ji Li said, this reminds the cultural and tourism department not to just regard itself as a culture that drives the number of tourists. Organizations should not only provide tourism products to the public, but also strengthen cultural values ​​and local identity in the creation of IP.

  Zhan Dongmei, associate researcher at the China Tourism Academy, believes that this lively marketing on the Internet will ultimately depend on the long-term development of the destination.

It remains to be seen whether online clicks and offline tourist conversions, the current excitement and whether tourists can continue to choose them in the future. The healthy and sustainable development of cultural tourism destinations calls for the support of high-quality content. All regions must calm down in the face of the heat and think about it. How to develop from "Internet celebrity" to "long-term celebrity".

  Zhan Dongmei took Zibo and Harbin, which will become famous cultural and tourism cities in 2023, as examples. These two cities attract different customer groups with their unique culture, history, architecture and natural landscapes. Their popularity has already There are similarities as well as differences.

On the whole, they have made full use of the traffic effect in the all-media era and seized the market heat. From the government to the citizens, they have worked together to treat guests with sincerity, and have won widespread popularity and reputation with efficient and humane management and services. , seems to be accidental, but in fact it is a "deep accumulation".

  Zhan Dongmei said: "From 'Ziwei has a taste' to 'the coast feels like home', every city that has characteristics, understands services, knows how to promote, has warmth, and respects tourists has the potential to become the next 'Internet celebrity'" Top-notch'. Before that, we must vigorously 'cultivate' our internal strength, deeply explore our own unique comparative advantages, resource endowments, cultural characteristics, customs, improve supporting services, optimize the consumption environment, wait for the arrival of the next trend, and complete a A two-way journey between tourists and the city.”

  In addition to short video marketing, Zhan Dongmei believes that with the arrival of the peak travel season of winter vacation and Spring Festival, study tours, parent-child tours, family tours, and vacation tours are about to begin. All localities should strengthen the supply of high-quality cultural tourism products and develop more high-quality tourism projects. Special tourist routes; improve the city's tourism carrying capacity, reception capacity, and service levels; put people first and improve government services. It is necessary to treat guests with sincerity and the government and the people to work together to let tourists feel the local enthusiasm, and to maintain market order and coordinate Multi-department cooperation will ensure supervision, protect the rights and interests of tourists, and create more "retention".

  (Yang Zhi and Chen Xing are pseudonyms in the article)

  China Youth Daily·China Youth Daily reporter trainee Tan Sijing intern Zhang Chenlu reporter Qi Zheng Source: China Youth Daily