Boiled eggs, steamed eggs, tomato eggs... eggs are not only eaten in many ways, but also have high nutritional value. They can be regarded as the "top class" on the dining table.

Recently, eggs have become the focus again, and the related topic #Eat 5 Eggs a Week to Reduce the Risk of Diabetes and Hypertension# has sparked heated discussions.

Experts remind that although eggs are high-quality protein, it is not advisable to pursue any single ingredient.

The intake of eggs also varies from person to person and needs to be considered in conjunction with the diet structure throughout the day.

  The reporter noticed that one of the points that attracted public attention on this topic is that it can reduce the risk of chronic diseases.

"Eating ≥5 eggs per week significantly reduces the risk of type 2 diabetes and hypertension by 28% and 32% respectively!" This conclusion actually comes from a study published by a research team at Boston University in the United States in the journal Nutrients. study, but the reporter found that there was another study with contrary results.

A study published in the European Journal of Public Health by a research team from China Agricultural University pointed out that eating too many eggs is not good for health, and the intake of eggs should not exceed 6 per week.

Different literatures have different conclusions. Should you eat 5 or 6 eggs a week?

This has become a headache for many people.

  Cai Xiaozhen, director of the Nutrition Department of a provincial hospital in Jiangsu Province, told reporters that when understanding the literature, people often only focus on the conclusions, but the conclusions of the literature have many prerequisites.

Generally, we recommend eating one whole egg every day, but there is no absolute strict limit. If you can get enough protein from other foods, then it is okay not to eat eggs.

  "Different groups of people and different disease states have different needs for protein. For example, some bodybuilders and athletes have a large need for protein, and ordinary food cannot meet their needs. It is also advisable to consume multiple egg proteins a day; for Diabetic patients and kidney patients can replace high-fat meat foods with eggs every day while keeping other diets unchanged, which is also beneficial to blood sugar control and kidney protection."

  Cai Xiaozhen said that eggs are rich in nutritional value and affordable.

Among natural proteins, the amino acid composition of egg protein is closest to the amino acid pattern of human protein, and it is also the easiest to digest and absorb.

Eggs also contain lecithin, which is rich in fat-soluble vitamins and trace elements including vitamins A, D, K, etc., which are essential for human health.

  But it needs to be reminded that from a nutritional perspective, no food is perfect.

"Egg yolks contain high cholesterol and fat. For patients with hyperlipidemia and hypercholesterolemia, one or half a day is enough. The specific adjustment needs to be based on the patient's blood lipid level." Chief Physician Cai Xiaozhen Emphasizing that our daily diet pays attention to a balanced mix, "Food mix is ​​like a team. Each kind of food must be reasonably matched under a certain amount and relationship to achieve maximum effectiveness. Therefore, we should not magnify any single food." The power of food.”

  More Healthy: Some Frequently Asked Questions About Eggs

  1. Are free-range eggs more nutritious?

  In terms of nutritional value, there is not much difference between free-range eggs and foreign eggs.

At most, it may be a difference in taste. Some people think that foreign eggs have a fishy smell, while local eggs do not.

  2. Which way is better to cook eggs?

  The nutritional value of eggs will not change, but different cooking methods will affect human digestion and absorption.

Compared with cooked eggs, half-cooked soft-boiled eggs are not easily digested and absorbed, but steaming eggs by mixing the egg whites and yolks together can help digestion and absorption.

Because there is no oil, flavoring, etc. added, hard-boiled eggs are relatively healthier than fried eggs.

  Yangzi Evening News/Ziniu News reporter Wang Menghang