Surprised that time flies, full of anticipation, the fulfillment of family affection, and the emotions that may be swayed from time to time...... In an email to "Psychological Chat", the author Zhang Tongsheng counted all kinds of complex emotions at the end of the year and the end of the year. Yang Jing, a national second-level psychological counselor, said that she might as well follow the author's article to review and sort out her year-end emotions, so that she can gradually become stable, peaceful and open-minded, and give birth to new and full strength inside.

Pour out the emotions of the moon

It seems that it is only when the Spring Festival is approaching that we are surprised that time flies so quickly. It had only snowed in the small town, and after a period of low temperatures, it soon passed the third and ninth days. It's almost spring, and I'm still wondering if this year's winter is really coming to an end? When I went out in the past two days, the wind blowing in my face could no longer feel the cold of winter, and my face felt a little soft and warm. The wind has softened, the willows have softened, and spring is really just around the corner.

Spring is the season when people's emotions are the most complicated, and so is the wax moon. After entering the wax moon, the Spring Festival is approaching day by day, and spring is getting closer, and this mood is also more intense. In the mood of Layue, I always feel that there is an urgent expectation. Although everyone expects different content, even the same person, the content will be different at different ages, but people's enthusiasm for such an expectation will not diminish much. There is a time of year when there is a lot of anticipation and always a good thing.

In the past year, no matter how good the life is, whether it is unsatisfactory, we will not have too much nostalgia for it, we will hope for another new beginning, we like the day of "always changing the new peach for the old charm". When I was a child, in the wax moon, our wish for the New Year was very simple, it was the expectation of new clothes, food, and New Year's money, the expectation of the kind of family affection when relatives walked around each other, and it may also be the expectation that we would grow one year older in the New Year and grow up quickly. Simple expectations grow with the years, time always flies quickly, and such expectations, even in the New Year, are no longer so simple and pure. Simple, pure time can always make us miss it when we grow up.

Many people are constantly doing addition, and after reaching a certain age, some people learn to do subtraction, and the same is true for the New Year's expectations. Now, what am I looking forward to? Do I continue to add, or do I already start doing subtraction? It's really hard to say, I always think that it's better to make the New Year's resolutions simpler, or not to expect too much. I remember that Dong Qiao wrote a sentence in "Sanbao Cave Nostalgia": "Two words are safe and three feet well, and ten thousand families wish for a furnace of smoke." "I love Dong Qiao's words, and I like the simplicity of his wishes. In the wax moon, my expectations are also very simple, only peace, health, and simple happiness.

In the mood of Layue, there is also a gradual fullness, which is completeness, and this feeling was felt more real in the countryside at that time. The New Year is approaching, the countryside begins to be lively, and people who have been out for a long time begin to return to their hometowns, as if it is just in a certain morning, or dusk, those once familiar figures and local sounds suddenly appear in front of our eyes and ears. Three or two greetings, a greeting from afar, is enough to make you feel the warmth and cordiality, which is the consummation of rural family affection. A year of hard work and busyness, at this time a little leisure, this year, everyone, every family, have more or less some harvest, for the new year, they have a new plan. The harvest is in everyone's heart, but also on everyone's face, is the depth of the smile, is the intensity of the smile, is full of satisfaction. In the countryside in the month of Layue, I can often find such a smile of satisfaction with life and life, which is the natural satisfaction of the countryside in the month of Layue, their expectations are not high, and the measurement of income is less demanding, and there are few times when their wishes are not satisfied. Such an idea is very rural and full of wisdom of life. I like to feel the kind of fulfillment that is easy to satisfy in the wax moon in the countryside, which is so honest and real, which makes people feel down-to-earth.

In the complex emotions of the wax moon, there are also some that are influenced by the atmosphere of the wax moon and the smell that fills the air. I like an emotion that can be swayed all the time, it's uncertain, and it's always going to surprise us. Like the color of the cured meat in front of the house, the aroma of salted fish and bacon steamed in the kitchen, the crisp sound of the occasional firecracker, the smell of gunpowder smoke left in the air after the firecracker deflagrates, the villagers who gather together to chat on the side of the village road, the children running around the villagers, the cooking smoke rising at any time and the aroma of various cooked foods that permeate the air, and the appearance of the homecoming wanderer in the village road will become the focus of a village, and will also affect people's complex emotions in the wax moon.

In the mood of the wax moon, we have a sense of satisfaction, experience the fulfillment of the day, contribute to the generation of a new wish, and the new day sets sail. Chapter bronze wins

Analysis: Follow the author to count the emotions at the end of the year

The white horse has passed the gap, the end of the year is now, today is the sixth day of the lunar month, the nursery rhyme sings: "After Laba is the year", the Spring Festival is just around the corner. The Spring Festival and its surroundings are the most important rituals of the year for every Chinese son, and in the warmest way, we demonstrate the love, freedom, belonging, and self-realization that our hearts deeply desire......

The author Zhang Tongsheng uses affectionate brushstrokes to write the emotions of the wax moon: peace of mind, expectation, satisfaction, happiness, follow the author, we review and sort out their year-end emotions together.

1. Peace of mind

At the beginning of the year, the children started school, we went to work, and although there was a weekend interlude, life was like clockwork, as if there was an acceleration. Towards the end of the year, the children will usher in a relaxing winter vacation, we will enjoy the Spring Festival holiday, and life can finally stop for a while.

Stopping and resting in the leisure, I can't help but precipitate myself, looking back and taking stock of the gains and shortcomings of the year, which is somewhat like the "review" of young people in the modern workplace. At the end of the year, I have often "reviewed": sitting at my desk, meditating on mindfulness, and gradually focusing on the key points of the year in my mind, writing down the key words on paper and posting them in a prominent position. Ups and downs, such a rich life, my heart gives birth to gratitude and pride for spending every day of the year peacefully, and the corners of my mouth can't help but rise.

As the author wrote: "The harvest is in everyone's heart, but also on everyone's face, is the depth of the smile, is the intensity of the smile, is full of satisfaction", "so honest, real, make people feel down-to-earth." "In a year, the days are complicated or simple, and we all strive to walk towards the light, and peace of mind is such an emotion.

2. Anticipation

Winter and spring, the dormancy of the wax moon at the end of the year is to accumulate strength, as if to set a small milestone for our life, to say goodbye to the old and welcome the new, but also to better become themselves, so "I always feel that there is an urgent expectation".

Going back to the habits of the past few years, after the "review", I "reviewed" my inner expectations for the new year, which must come from the heart, and what my heart really eagerly desires, and then write the key words on the paper and post them in a prominent position.

Whether it is the expectation of doing addition or subtraction, because it comes from the heart, and because it is often visible in a conspicuous position, "if you don't forget, there will be an echo". My experience in the past few years is that during the year-end inventory, the expectations of the year are fulfilled one by one, which must be "self-fulfilling prophecy": it means that people will unconsciously act according to known prophecies, and eventually make the prophecies happen.

So feel free to look forward to it, and live consciously according to the core of your own expectations, which is also the most powerful part of the year-end mood.

3. Satisfactorily

What is satisfaction? "A gradual fullness is consummation." The body, mind, and spirit are gradually possessed, just as a person can feel "this is very satisfying" both internally and externally, and happiness is present moment.

At that time, we had all kinds of sensory satisfaction: eating handmade food with our own mother's taste, wearing new clothes, watching the Spring Festival couplets and lanterns specially decorated for the New Year, listening to the sound of firecrackers; our hearts were haunted by strong family affection, nostalgia and friendship, and the sense of belonging was so strong; so there were no other distracting thoughts in our minds, just relax and immerse ourselves in the current life.

However, "this feeling was felt more realistically in the countryside at that time". At that time, we had catchy Spring Festival nursery rhymes, acquaintances born from visiting relatives and friends, the third and fourth generations in the same house, grandfathers with New Year's money, mothers chatting around the steaming stove and skillfully cooking food, and children "jumping up and down" freely. That kind of satisfaction no longer requires the textbook to learn Spring Festival nursery rhymes, interpersonal communication, love of life and cherish life.

Therefore, we can't help but think again about what is the satisfaction of the present generation?

When there is a lack of satisfaction in the heart, how can we advocate and lead the contemporary young people to appropriately return, inherit, innovate, and live a diversified life, so that they can once again have all-round physical and mental satisfaction. This is the most important theme for us to think about after the year-end mood.

4. Happiness

At the end of the year, "some of them are swayed by the atmosphere of the wax moon and the smell that fills the air." As a best-selling book in 2023, "The Courage to Accept Happiness", advocates: living in the "moment", as long as we can live with such an attitude, then we can inadvertently feel happiness and liberate ourselves. Just as the author Zhang Tongsheng "likes an emotion that may be swayed from time to time, it has uncertainty, and it will surprise us everywhere and at all times". At the end of the year, enjoy peace of mind in retrospect, feel motivation in anticipation, taste satisfaction in self-management of life, a book, a trip, a convenience of science and technology, a family heart-to-heart talk, and a winter afternoon sunshine...... No matter what situation we find ourselves in, these small blessings are true happiness.

In this way, following the author to sort out the emotions at the end of the year, we gradually became stable, peaceful, and open-minded, and a new and full strength was born within us.

Life is like a garden of spring and autumn, and you are the gardener.

Yang Jing (National Level 2 Psychological Counselor)