Scan the code to order food to "change taste", how to fill the digital divide?

The representative committee suggested that even if the consumer refuses to authorize access to personal information, the merchant should provide the same service

In the digital era, the catering industry also has to catch up, and scanning the code to order food is the most intuitive experience for consumers. Scan the QR code to complete a number of services such as queuing, ordering, and checkout, which is convenient for consumers and saves labor costs.

However, many consumers have encountered situations where they must also pay attention to the merchant's WeChat official account, register members, and authorize the merchant to obtain personal information when scanning the code to order. Is there a risk of consumer information leakage when scanning the QR code to order food? What should the elderly and children do without smartphones? At the two sessions in Nanjing, a reporter from the Yangtze Evening News/Purple Cow News interviewed some deputies to the National People's Congress and members of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference.

Yangtze Evening News/Purple Cow News reporter Xue Ling, Xu Sheng, intern, Lu Shaobin

On-site visits, zero yuan to join, free discounts...... Scanning the code to order food is standard

"Hello, please scan the QR code to order!" "Please scan the desktop QR code to order." Nowadays, after consumers enter the restaurant and sit down, they often hear such opening remarks, and scanning the code to order food has become the "standard" for large and small restaurants.

Register a mobile phone number to order noodles

Many businesses put QR codes in front of stores and at tables to encourage consumers to scan the QR code to order food through various methods such as "looking at the queue length" or "providing discounts". In a barbecue restaurant, after the Yangtze Evening News reporter scanned the QR code on the table, different options such as ordering, pre-ordering and take-out appeared on the page, and after the reporter selected "order", it immediately jumped out of the page of WeChat users with one-click registration/quick login, and consumers must check "I have read and agree to the "Membership Terms". After checking the box to agree, you can enter the official ordering page.

The reporter came to a chain brand noodle restaurant again, and a QR code was posted on each table, and it was written next to it "zero yuan to join, free coupon package". The reporter scans the code to operate, and the ordering applet requires "applying for obtaining and verifying the mobile phone number, completing the collection of member information and the user's real-name registration", and the consumer registers the mobile phone number before ordering.

Judging from the scene, consumers seem to have become accustomed to scanning the code to order, and most people will sit down directly and take out their mobile phones to scan the code. A diner told reporters, "Some stores have to pay attention to the brand's official account when ordering food, and often send various marketing advertisements, which is annoying." In fact, when I scan the code to order, the merchant only needs to know my table number and what I ordered, and there is no need to grasp my mobile phone number, WeChat nickname, gender and other personal information, and there is no need for me to follow their official account. ”

Diners mostly directly check the "read terms"

In a random interview with a reporter from the Yangtze Evening News, it was found that most consumers who scanned the code did not read it carefully and often checked it directly.

The reporter opened the "Membership Terms" of the barbecue restaurant, only to see that in the member's personal information protection clause, it was written: In the membership registration link, the store will collect the consumer's mobile phone number, WeChat account information (including user avatar, nickname, region and other information) for registering members to open cards, identify member information, etc. The store promises not to actively share consumers' personal information with third parties. In this store, if consumers do not trust the protection of personal information of the store, or do not want their personal information to be collected, they can also leave it unchecked, and can complete the service by ordering offline.

You can pay in cash, but the discount is gone......

If you don't scan the code, will you be able to order food smoothly? A reporter from the Yangtze Evening News walked into a Chinese restaurant in Xinjiekou and said that he had forgotten to bring his mobile phone.

After the reporter finished the meal, he used cash to settle the bill smoothly, but because he could not use his mobile phone to purchase the platform's preferential package, all dishes could only be ordered at zero and could not enjoy any discounts. The reporter also found in a bubble tea shop that although users are not forced to register their mobile phone number authorization during the scanning code order, they cannot enjoy the corresponding discounts if they skip the authorization link.

Expert's Opinion: What should we do with "one old and one young"? Catering companies should be more humane

Yu Xuerong, president of Jiangsu Catering Industry Association, said in an interview that scanning code ordering has added help to the digital and intelligent transformation of the catering industry, and the application of new technologies to provide consumers with more convenient services is worthy of recognition. At the same time, consumers have the right to choose a more suitable way to order, and scanning the QR code to order cannot be the only choice.

Yu Xuerong said that especially for special groups such as the elderly and children who do not have smartphones, catering operators should think more from the perspective of consumers, and the service should be more humane, so as to effectively safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of consumers. In addition, ordering mini programs should not collect excessive personal information, let alone force promotion, and only the combination of scanning code ordering and manual menu ordering can provide consumers with a better dining experience.

The deputies and committee members have something to say

Restaurants should avoid artificially creating a 'digital divide'

Yuan Shenghan, a deputy to the Nanjing Municipal People's Congress and director of Jiangsu Jingjianxing Law Firm, said in an interview that there are some drawbacks that cannot be ignored in the seemingly convenient way of ordering food by scanning the code. First of all, scanning the QR code to order food may lead to the disclosure of personal information. In the process of scanning the QR code to order, customers need to provide their mobile phone number, WeChat account and other information to register and log in. This information may be accessed by third parties and used for illegal purposes without authorization. In addition, some unscrupulous merchants may sell this information to other businesses, resulting in a large number of spam text messages and phone calls from customers. Therefore, scanning the QR code to order food increases the risk of personal information leakage to a certain extent.

Secondly, scanning the QR code to order food may also affect the customer's dining experience. Although scanning the QR code to order food can save customers time waiting in line, this method deprives customers of the opportunity to communicate face-to-face with the waiter. In the traditional way of ordering, customers can understand the characteristics and taste of the dishes through communication with the waiter, so as to better choose their favorite dishes, and the scanning code to order makes customers lose the opportunity for this interaction.

In addition, scanning the QR code to order food may exacerbate the digital divide in society. Among some seniors and low-income groups, they often don't use smartphones and can't adapt to the emerging way of ordering food by scanning the QR code. This makes it very difficult for them to use the QR code to order, and they can't even enjoy this convenient service. In addition, in order to attract customers, some businesses will also launch various preferential activities on the APP, such as full reduction, discounts, etc., while guests who order food on the spot cannot enjoy it, which undoubtedly exacerbates the digital divide in society, making some people unable to enjoy the convenience brought by the development of science and technology, and even the right to equal consumption is deprived.

In Yuan Shenghan's view, while people enjoy the convenience of scanning the QR code to order, they should also pay attention to its potential risks to ensure the security of personal information and the dining experience. At the same time, the government and enterprises should also strengthen the supervision of scanning QR code ordering to ensure its healthy and orderly development.

Implement a system of "withdrawal of consent" for personal information

"In order to obtain the corresponding services, although consumers learned that the merchant would obtain personal information, they still passively chose to scan the code to order. Tang Jianyuan, a member of the Nanjing CPPCC and director of the Nanjing Sports Training Center, also paid attention to this phenomenon. At this year's two sessions in Nanjing, the proposal he brought was "Suggestions on Strengthening the Security Management of Personal Information by Taking QR Code Ordering as an Example".

In the era of big data, while bringing various conveniences to people, it also poses a threat to the security of personal information. In fact, it's not just scanning the QR code to order food, people are always asked to provide a series of information to confirm their identity when browsing and shopping online and using certain apps, and they can't use it if they don't accept the terms set by the other party in advance. In this process, it is very easy to spread and leak personal information, resulting in excessive collection, deception and collection of information, and even infringement of personal privacy, leading to cyber fraud, extortion and other criminal acts.

How to keep the data city has become a real problem that needs to be solved urgently. Tang Jianyuan put forward several suggestions: First, strengthen industry supervision. In many cases, citizen information leakage is due to the fact that some businesses are not strict enough about information security management and lack bottom-line thinking. At the same time, strengthen the supervision of developers of relevant apps and mini programs, formulate and issue a series of detailed laws and regulations on the protection and restriction of personal information, and clarify the provisions on the collection, storage, use, and sharing of data by developers of relevant programs, so as to provide a legal basis for supervision. Regularly conduct data security inspections on the developers of apps and mini programs, and punish existing violations of laws and regulations, so as to safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of consumers. The second is to improve the legal awareness of practitioners. Practitioners in all walks of life are direct contacts of user information, and their legal awareness is essential for information confidentiality. Professional personal information security training courses may be established to conduct regular training for practitioners to ensure that they are up to date with the latest laws, regulations, and industry norms, and establish mechanisms for evaluating the quality of employees' personal information security.

Tang also suggested the implementation of a "withdrawal of consent" system to clarify the rights and interests of individuals in the process of information collection and use, including the right to consent and the right to withdraw. When an individual consents to the collection and use of information, he or she shall be allowed to withdraw his consent within a certain period of time, stop the further use of personal information by the merchant, and establish a corresponding withdrawal mechanism and technical support to ensure that the individual can easily exercise the right of withdrawal, without affecting the effectiveness of the personal information processing activities that have been carried out based on the individual's consent before the withdrawal.

Mr Tong said that businesses should respect consumers' right to choose when providing services to consumers. When a consumer chooses to refuse to authorize a merchant to obtain personal information, the merchant should also provide the same service to the consumer, so as to avoid the consumer having to choose an authorized merchant because he wants to obtain the corresponding service. (Yangtze Evening News)