Solène Delinger 13:18 p.m., January 16, 2024

On Saturday, January 13, Lénie was unexpectedly eliminated from the "Star Academy" at the gates of the semi-finals. The youngest of the class had never been nominated until now and had a flawless run. Shocked after her elimination, the 18-year-old was exfiltrated from the set by the show's crews. What happened behind the scenes? Did Lénie faint? For, Lénie looks back on the painful outcome of this evening, but also on the highlights of her adventure in Dammarie-les-Lys.

Fans of the Star Ac still haven't gotten over it... On Saturday, January 13th, Lénie, the darling of the class, was eliminated at the gates of the semi-finals against Axel, Julien and Héléna. The 18-year-old was by far the most complete artist of this new season. As strong in singing as she was in dancing, Lénie impressed her teachers throughout her adventure at the castle.

"She's the one who gives lessons every time, the Lenie masterclass and the evaluations, that's the masterclass. When you don't have an artist, you have Lénie during the week, that's enough," his friend Axel explained on Sunday evening in the daily. The candidates themselves did not expect the teenager to leave. "I really didn't think Lenie was going to leave. Unfortunately, I didn't see any of the three of you," said Pierre, who was immunized on Saturday night. After her elimination, Lenie appeared totally paralyzed. The young woman froze for long seconds, tears streaming down her face. In shock, she was exfiltrated by the Star Ac teams and did not return to the set for the show's debrief with Nikos and the teachers. For, Lénie tells us what really happened behind the scenes, and also looks back at the highlights of her adventure. Interview.

How do you feel three days after your elimination?

I feel great. I came down from my emotions from Saturday night's prime. I'm very well surrounded and I'm going to see my family soon, I can't wait. So, rest assured, everything is really better for me!

When Nikos said Axel's name on Saturday night, what was going through your head? Because you were totally frozen for several seconds...

I think I got an emotional shock. Simply because there are a lot of questions that have come into my head in a very short time and it scared me. I thought about the aftermath and how it was going to go, because I lived for more than two months at the castle, with a very intense schedule, without any information from the outside. When I heard it was over, I felt like it was the end of my life. When in reality, no! Life goes on and this is just the beginning of a great adventure. I was also very well supported after the prime. Marie-Maud (editor's note: former Star Ac contestant) slept with me at the hotel.

Is this a scenario you had imagined?

Of course, I prepared myself to potentially leave. But I didn't anticipate all the emotions I was going to feel at the time of elimination. I didn't think I was going to be so scared.

Did you think it was unfair?

At the time, yes, a little, but I said to myself: "Actually, they don't like me". Looking back and all the messages of support I've received, I know that's not the case. And I told myself that it was the right time for me to leave. What had to happen happened.

READ ALSO- 'The emotion overwhelmed me': Star Academy's Lénie breaks silence after surprise elimination

How did you experience your last prime?

I lived it very well because I said to myself, throughout the evening: "Come on, enjoy it to the fullest because you might leave". I really have no regrets.

You sang with international star Bonnie Tyler, who had forgotten the lyrics of her song... Didn't you panic?

Don't forget that Bonnie Tyler is quite old and I also forgot moments in the song, which she had to make up for too. That's what duos are all about. For my part, I had a really good time and I think that's the main thing. I also took full advantage of my dancing/singing to Britney Spears. I had a real epiphany during Star Academy: I love dancing and singing at the same time. And I'm so glad I was able to do that on my last prime.

What have you learned about yourself along the way?

I've learned so many things that I could talk about them for hours (laughs). When I arrived in this adventure, I had a big lack of self-confidence that prevented me from moving forward in life in general. At Star Academy, you have to gain confidence in yourself because you do bonuses every Saturday. We have a lot at stake and a lot of pressure. I would also say that I outdid myself. I didn't think I'd be able to do all that. I've been sick several times, I've had a lot of oral problems and I've still been able to insure the premiums, which would have been inconceivable a few months ago. More generally, I have evolved on many aspects of myself, personally, artistically and humanly. I'm very proud of that. And I'm really grown from this adventure.

You were sick and it was very painful for you to sing... But you've never complained. How did you cope?

I've had some blues about it because it's very frustrating to be in an adventure like this and feel very limited vocally. But I was very well surrounded, especially by Lucie and Marlène who were incredible. Cécile also gave me a lot of strength. The people who work with us are very caring and that has helped me! I also told myself that there were thousands of people who wanted to be in my shoes and that it was time to give it my all. That's three months in a lifetime. My silliness and my passion for singing pushed me to go all the way. I gave it my all the time.

You have had a flawless career: zero appointments for two and a half months, and several professors' immunities. This is unheard of!

At the evaluations, I was in casting mode. I was like, "Okay, maybe you're vocally tired, but you really have to give it your all." The key is hard work.

What is your best memory of Star Academy?

My duet at Bercy with Christophe Maé. It's a moment that will stay with me forever. It's beautiful what I've experienced, really. A suspended moment. When I was given this gift, I immediately said to myself that it was impossible to do it. Then I realized that if I was offered this, it was because they felt I could do it. I've really gone beyond my limits.

And the worst part?

When Clara was eliminated. For me, she was the one who had to go the furthest in the adventure and I was convinced that she was going to make the tour. I thought it was very unfair because for me, Clara is a star.

Which teacher made the biggest impression on you during the adventure?

I have two: Lucie and Marlene. They weren't just teachers or coaches. They've really been moms to us. Without them, there are no bonuses. They put on a whole show in two days, sometimes even in two hours.

Which candidate did you forge the strongest bonds with?

Djebril. With Djebril, we formed a shock duo. He was my little ray of sunshine for adventure. And he made me laugh so much.

Who would you like to see win Star Academy?

I'd love to see them all win. On the other hand, if I had to follow my instincts and say the one I feel will go to the final, it would be Pierre. He has a unique vocal signature that particularly touches me.

And you, what are your plans?

I have a lot of ideas in my head so I'm going to have to channel myself (laughs)! I discovered myself on singing/dancing and Matt Pokora's concert was a revelation for me. I'd really like to do that later. And I also love musicals because it mixes a lot of things, singing, dancing and acting. I'm looking forward to the future and I know that I will be very well looked after.