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At this point in January, when we have barely gotten used to pronouncing 2024, a fact emerges that shudders more than the predicted polar cold: 23% of the population has already abandoned their New Year's resolutions. This is according to a study by the University of Scranton (United States), which assures that in the first week of the year this desired change of life has already been forgotten.

In this sense, the commitment that tops most of the lists of good resolutions every year is to join the gym, followed by noble intentions such as quitting smoking, losing weight or eating better; According to the latest Eurobarometer of Sport and Physical Activity published by the European Commission, more than six million people are registered in one of the thousands of gyms in Spain and registrations shoot up to 40% in some cities during January.

An enthusiasm that is short-lived. Why do one in 4 people fail to stick to their New Year's resolutions beyond the first week? One of the reasons "has to do with demotivation, both personally and professionally," says Guillermo Sánchez, Senior VP Revenue at Betterfly, a platform that offers companies tools to motivate their employees, inside and outside of work. The figures support that it is necessary: 57% of the population has feelings of sadness, worry or fear that reduce the energy needed to meet personal goals, according to a study by the Spanish Mental Health Confederation.

On the other hand, Manuel Lago, physical trainer and founder of RPE10 Experience and member of the editorial team of the European Centre for Masters and Postgraduate Studies (CEMP), dismisses motivation as a mistake. "It's very common to rely on it to begin with, but you have to understand that it's ephemeral and volatile," he explains. According to the coach, when it comes to joining a gym and introducing physical activity into our lives, being aware that it will be a "long process is key to not giving up early and to be patient despite not seeing results during the first weeks".

Lago stresses that the right approach should not be so much about "achieving a particular physique, but a balanced dynamic." Despite the fact that approximately 80% of people around the world consider that they lead a healthy lifestyle -according to a study by DYM Market Research-, according to estimates by the World Health Organization (WHO), 60% of the population does not do the necessary physical activity; specifically, one in three women.

With the motivation in doubt, what do we hold on to when it comes to not abandoning the noble purpose of incorporating sport into our lives? The first thing is to "be aware of the importance that physical exercise and a good diet have on our health," explains Manuel Lago. Once internalized, the most important thing will be to have experts to help design realistic goals adapted to the physical and mental characteristics and lifestyle of each one. And that they make the task easier for us: it's about incorporating exercise into the daily routine until it becomes a habit. "But for that, it is essential to set achievable goals and have a variety of training that allows us to find those activities that make us enjoy and escape boredom," says Vicente Javier Clemente, a member of the Research Group in Applied Psychophysiology and the Center of Excellence in Health, Sport and Life Sciences at Universidad Europea.

Keys to choosing a sports coach

So, first watchword: good supervision and a personalized plan will not only prevent injuries and make the most of technique, it will also make the task of getting into the habit easier; The figure of the personal trainer is crucial when strength falters.

How do we choose the right one? We asked Aberto Egea, a sports coach and personal trainer specializing in fat loss in women. "The most important thing is to think about what you want to solve. In the sector, it is important to recommend the perfect exercise, the perfect diet; but it's not about exercise X or diet Y, because nowadays on the Internet there is everything, any information you are looking for, the point is that they ask you and listen to you, and get involved by creating a specific routine for you, without using exercise templates or diets that 'work' for everyone," he answers.

This leads to the second key, adds Egea: "It must be someone with experience treating people who are in the same situation as you; Even if you have many qualifications, without them they are of little use. When I started dealing with women who wanted to lose weight and barely had time, four years ago, that's when I started to understand them. A sports coach who has experience with people like you makes your life easier."

The third key is also related to the above: you need active listening skills and empathy. "The difference between a good professional and one who is not so good is that they are really able to understand what problems you have in your daily life, what obstacles you go through, what thoughts boycott you..., to realize if you are having a bad day or how stress or menopause affect you. This will make you feel accompanied and will allow you to open up more, enjoy the process and achieve better results. There are coaches who look like robots, and for that we already have ChatGPT. It doesn't help to just give you the solution that worked for someone else," he says.

Along with the above, Egea points out that the good coach must set "realistic expectations adapted to each person and their lifestyle, not give away the ear, which is also done a lot in the sector. Goals that are too high can only make you feel inferior, and therefore frustrate you and think you can't achieve them."

Finally, the expert points out the need for real follow-up. "The point is not to see each other every 15 or 30 days to put a tick on what you have done well, but to check with daily contact and weekly check-ups that everything is being done correctly, that it is giving the expected results and that it is easily adapting to your pace of life. This is essential for you to be able to maintain it over time."

Alberto Egea, personal trainer.

The advantages of training together

When it comes to getting sports routines, the right company is a plus. "Training with friends or participating in group classes provides additional motivation and social support," says Vicente Javier Clemente. Not only that, Alberto Egea points out: "Training accompanied allows you to learn the correct technique to avoid injuries and get the most out of the training time and each exercise. There are those who spend years going to training and continue almost as they did the day they started, but with the right accompaniment, with a comprehensive service, in three or six months incredible changes can be achieved, both physically and mentally. In the end, it saves time and money."

Company is also decisive when it comes to creating the habit and ensuring that the practice of sport is definitively integrated into your routine. "There will be bad days when the last thing you want to do is train, eat well, or even do something positive for yourself, because all you want to do is lie on the couch. In these moments, having committed to someone else will 'force' you to get up and remember why you started all this. They will greatly increase the chances of being consistent," says Alberto Egea.

Having a person by your side who empathizes with you will be decisive to keep your tights on. "We think that a health goal is a matter of a physical change, but the reality is that it goes much further, because it only comes from a mental one. That is why it is very important to have a coach with enough experience to help you change the chip progressively and that you not only achieve the goal set, but also learn to maintain it over time," insists Egea.

Choosing the right gym

Having said all of the above, if we choose to go to a gym we will soon give up if we do not choose the one that best suits our needs. To begin with, "it must be well located, have the right facilities and equipment, as well as offer a welcoming and energizing environment," says Vicente Javier Clemente. "After checking that these three parameters are met, it is advisable to make sure that the cost fits into our budget, so that money is not an excuse that encourages us to throw in the towel at the first opportunity," warns the expert, who advises having the testimonies, experiences and recommendations of other users, even through online communities or local fitness groups "to obtain first-hand opinions and references". In any case, he adds, "we must bear in mind that there is no single option suitable for everyone, as it is not the same to try to lose weight, gain muscle mass, improve endurance or simply stay active".

The expert reminds us that it helps to be aware of the benefits of staying in shape at all stages of life, beyond the physical aspect. "It increases muscle strength and endurance, and improves cardiovascular health and emotional well-being. Exercise helps prevent chronic diseases, supports mental health, and helps maintain independence. In the case of older people, it is synonymous with greater mobility, reduces the risk of falling and contributes to maintaining cognitive function," he concludes.

  • Fitness