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Actors Robin Sondermann (left) and Oleg Tikhomirov: New facets of hubris and depravity

Photo: Thomas Kost / WDR

Beautiful evil scene: A suspicious financial shark sits on his trim bike and is asked by a police squad during the house search not to move. Then he pedals all the harder on his sports equipment – and the officers are briefly frightened, as if he were really driving away. The big puke reacts with great laughter.

After the murder of a consumer lawyer, the Cologne detectives (Klaus J. Behrendt and Dietmar Bär) investigated a financial advisor who had his employees sell shares in shaky companies. In the process, the cliché of the nefarious financial guru was blown up in the midst of luxury and lies.

In our review, we wrote: "Whether a film about financial services blenders works often depends on the question: How do you keep the audience engaged, even though everything in the actors literally screams for fraud? What else can the viewer work out if the characters barely get their dishonest concerns hidden behind flimsy promises? For example, the actor Robin Sondermann plays the boss of structural sales as a hot-running cliché. We know this from relevant tutorials on YouTube, where self-proclaimed financial gurus repeat their outrageous formulas for success until even the last sausages believe they are rock stars (...) The fact that one likes to watch Raffke in all his cockiness is also due to the fact that actor Sondermann always succeeds in extracting new facets of hubris and depravity from him.«

We gave it 7 out of 10. What do you think of the financial thriller?

From financial advisor to debt collector: Another case involving Behrendt and Bär has just been filmed, it is about a robbery in the environment of a debt collection company. The film was directed by Claudia Garde, who has staged some of Borowski's best »Tatort«, such as »The Return of the Silent Guest«.