Solène Delinger 17:46 p.m., January 15, 2024

This Monday, January 15, Stéfi Celma was the guest of Philippe Vandel in the show "Tout et son contraire" on France Info. The actress, best known for her role in "Ten Percent," recalled one of her experiences filming with Gérard Depardieu, who is now accused of rape and sexual assault.

Tongues have been loosening since the broadcast, on December 7, of the Explosive Investigation Supplement on Gérard Depardieu. Several stars have not hesitated to denounce the behavior of the 75-year-old actor, who is under investigation for rape and sexual assault. "Vulgarity and provocation have always been his stock in trade," Sophie Marceau told Paris Match.

"The person who expresses himself in the rudest way"

The actress had already denounced her attitude on film sets in the 1980s but no one had listened to her. "I said publicly at the time that I couldn't stand his attitude, which was rude and very inappropriate. A lot of people turned against me and made me look like the little pest," she said.

READ ALSO- Gérard Depardieu 'will never make films again', says famous director

Stéfi Celma also noticed Depardieu's totally inappropriate behavior on the set of the film The Green Shutters, released in 2022. "I accepted the invitation of Jean Becker, who is a filmmaker whose work I admire, a very elegant person (...) It is true that, it is common knowledge, Gérard Depardieu, he is the person who expresses himself in the rudest way that I have met in my life, "she said this Monday, January 15 in front of Philippe Vandel on France Info.

Stéfi Celma therefore preferred to distance himself as much as possible from the actor. "What I told myself quite quickly is that for the shooting to go well, that I stay at a good distance," she assured on France Info, while specifying: "I did not receive this education to hear profanity like that regularly. So that's what I found to make the most of this shoot."

Regarding the issue of Complement, Stéfi Celma said she was "very shocked by these images". "My position is clear. Impunity is a no. The abuse of power, the abuse of notoriety, it's stop. Maybe 50 years ago it was something that could pass, but today it is no longer the case," she said. This stance is similar to that of the artists who signed an op-ed in Libération denouncing the "totem of impunity" that Depardieu enjoys.