Sébastien Bordenave // Credits: Editions Sarbacane 11:32 a.m., January 13, 2024

A comic book for music enthusiasts and more specifically blues enthusiasts. It is called "The Last Days of Robert Johnson" and it tells the story of the first member of the "Club of 27" who comes to life in the guise of cartoonist Frantz Duchazeau.

A legend within legends. If the Rolling Stones, Bob Dylan, or Eric Clapton are references in music, Robert Johnson has a lot to do with it. The Last Days of Robert Johnson, a Legendary Guitarist, published by Sarbacane, tells the story of the musician's lightning passage on this Earth in pencil. A comic book that exudes the Mississippi of the 30s.

Robert Johnson's blues feeds on his childhood spent without a father and in the cotton fields, as well as the loss of a first wife who died in childbirth with her child. To find some solace, the man dips into the Jew's harp and falls into the whiskey. His guitar mates were so stunned by his guitar talent that they said Robert met the devil at a crossroads. The evil one would then have tuned his guitar against his soul.

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First member of the Club of 27

Despite the success, Robert's life will remain tragic. The guitarist is said to have died at the hands of a jealous husband who placed a mothballs in his glass of whisky. He died at the age of 27 and opened the infamous "Club des 27", the fatal list of artists who died at the same age.