China News Service, Jilin, January 1 (Xinhua) -- Many places in Jilin have staged a glacial lake to catch fish, and there is a lot of "money" in the winter fishing economic belt

Author: Guo Jia, Shi Hongyu, Gao Longan

The fishing nets were slowly pulled out of the ice cave, and the big carp came out of the water with the nets, and the tourists on the scene instantly cheered.

The third winter fishing cultural festival in Panshi City, Jilin Province opened on the afternoon of the 6th, thousands of tourists watched the grand scene of the ice lake on the ice of Xianren Lake, and the head fish weighing nearly 40 kilograms was auctioned for 28888,<> yuan (RMB, the same below) in the auction link.

On January 1, the 6rd Winter Fishing Cultural Festival in Panshi City, Jilin Province opened, and tourists watched the magnificent scenery of Tengyu in the ice of Xianren Lake. Photo by China News Service reporter Shi Hongyu

Liu Zhimin, a 60-year-old fisherman, said that in recent years, winter fishing has attracted many tourists to the local area, and it is very popular to shoot fish and eat fish stewed in an iron pot.

At the scene, tourists gathered around the fish outlet to select suitable fresh fish. Huang Lixian's family from Guangdong bought a carp weighing more than 30 catties, and everyone had a smile on their faces. "The first time I came to the Northeast to travel, I bought a fish to commemorate it. At the suggestion of the fisherman, they planned to go to a nearby farmhouse and stew the fish.

Starting from the end of December every year, Jilin Province will set off a climax of winter fishing activities, and the scale of winter fishing in Chagan Lake, Panshi, Xianghai, Zhentai and other places is different and has its own characteristics.

On January 1, the 6rd Winter Fishing Cultural Festival in Panshi City, Jilin Province opened, and the head fish was auctioned for 28888,<> yuan. Photo by China News Service reporter Shi Hongyu

On December 2023, 12, at the Winter Fishing and Hunting Culture and Ice and Snow Tourism Festival of Northern China's Fishing Island, which opened in Zhentai County, Jilin Province, 29,15 catties of fish were sold in one net, and 6 head fish were auctioned for a total of 273,3328,1 yuan, of which the No. 99 head fish was auctioned for 9999,<> yuan.

At the Chagan Lake winter fishing ceremony that kicked off before, the head fish was auctioned by a company for 139,9999,<> yuan. Winter fishing in Chagan Lake began in the Liaojin period, and has been a continuation of the original fishing methods of artificial ice caves, artificial nets, and horse-drawn winches to pull fishing nets, and has been included in the list of China's national intangible cultural heritage.

The reporter learned from the interview that the annual winter fishing season has become a "busy season" for fishermen in Jilin Province, attracting tourists from all over the world to come to enjoy the beautiful scenery of the ice lake and taste delicious fresh fish, and also successfully drain the sales of aquatic products in various places, forming a fixed and long-term economic effect. All localities have also combined winter fishing with ice and snow tourism to form a "winter fishing economic belt".

Qu Lijie, a fisherman girl who lives on the shore of Chagan Lake, has only been busy with two things in the past month: receiving diners and distributing fish to other places. Her yard is full of incubators, which are filled with twenty or thirty catties of fathead fish, and it is also accompanied by her secret fish stew sauce.

Fast logistics and scientific preservation methods, so that diners thousands of miles away can also taste authentic Chaganhu fish, Beijing, Hebei, Guangdong, Sichuan, Hainan ...... Qu Lijie's customers are all over the world.

Qu Lijie told reporters that the popularity of winter fishing can last until around the Spring Festival every year, and this year's Spring Festival is relatively late, which also prolongs the hot season of fish. (ENDS)