And the heart stops sweetly – just like from a spoonful of ice cream or from a candy "with bears"... Tomorrow is New Year's Eve! Tomorrow they will be waiting under the Christmas tree... Gifts! Do you remember how it was? How did we stick to the TVs? How did you empathize with Umka and Santa Claus, who had never seen summer? Summer!.. What was summer for us?! Even in winter, with crimson cheeks, wet as horses, happy and screaming to the whole world! "Tomorrow is the New Year, brothers! Hooray!!a

Stirring the snow with a spoon,

It's a big night.

Why don't you sleep, silly?

Your neighbors are asleep

Polar bears,

Sleep quickly, baby...

And a snowball rolls up to his throat, his hands go cold from the memories. Why are you laughing? Is it funny to you? New Year's Eve is just around the corner, and it's all giggles.

Holidays are a serious business.

Here you need to...

Take, for example, the Americans who live in America (this is right behind a huge puddle). They have all sorts of Let It Snow! Let It Snow! Let It Snow!, Jingle Bells and other Rudolph The Red-Nosed Reindeer, as they say, have been pouring out of every Christmas iron day and night since November! And everybody's like, "Oh! It's Christmas! This is our cultural heritage!" and in the annealing in the shops.

And what about us?

And us?

And where are our songs – proven, winter, of the highest endurance and quality?

We're floating on an ice floe

Like a brigantine

On the gray harsh seas.

And all night long the neighbors

Star Bears

They shine for distant ships...

Remember? Did you want to go back to the blessed year of 1969, even if only for an hour? That year, two iconic cartoons were released in the USSR. On January 1, the cartoon "Father Frost and Summer" was shown on central television — some kind of extremely daring, ironic surrealism (and all the clever people talk about "Soviet naphthalene") with bright characters that look more like the caricatures of "Crocodile". Grandpa himself, the couple of polar bears looking after his farm (that's where the exemplary married couple is, look, you can't take your eyes off), and the dashing dump truck driver with the signature "Well, artist.." — all are good beyond belief. And even the wicked raging crow, who speaks to Santa Claus in the impudent tone of an employee of the housing office ("Darkness! Leta doesn't know! Eh.."), good too!

All year long I have not worked in vain,

It's time for me to go.

The last sheet of the calendar

Left on the wall!

It's not just a cartoon — it's a manifesto of learning about the world through the prism of personal experience. And by whom, Santa Claus! And the moth almost ate the fur coat in his trunk. A good moth, with the size of a dragonfly. Very funny. And so... home-style. Cozily. The kids are dancing around the sweetest...

To have a Christmas tree for the New Year

Put on my outfit

I take toys on a hike:

Gifts for the guys.

Do you see what I'm getting at?


On December 23, at the end of the blessed year of 1969, the Soviet children were presented with "Umka". And the songs from it (there was also a magical sequel in 1970 – "Umka is looking for a friend"), and the phrases of the "insufferable child" – a polar bear cub like "And I come across only seals – and not a single boy..." have become winged. Maybe because the music for all the mentioned cartoons was written by Evgeny Krylatov. If the hand of a genius has already touched it... How many wonderful things Krylatov did for animation, for cinema!

What melodies there are, what a fuse for the soul.

And my heart sinks sweetly — not from jinglebels at all...

The snow creaks under your stiff feet

And the blizzard grabs the barrel.

The Christmas tree is honking at me with its lights

New Year's beacon.

What a miracle, a miracle

Christmas tree-beacon!

And I'll tell you more: we've got plenty of jinglebells. Here are the faithful fifty – winter, holiday, Christmas tree hits. The only thing left to do is to remember. And write down more often in every new way and manner. Behind a puddle, this is not considered shameful. There are songs about deer and bunnies, that they are friends with Santa Claus, they sing everything in a row. And it is considered good manners.

Who lit this Christmas tree for me?

Nothing less than a good friend.

I'm not afraid of the icy cold

Lights are burning all around.

What a miracle, a miracle

Lights all around!

I can't wait to see a mountain of New Year's albums of all sorts of fashion stars with New Year's songs from my childhood on the shelves of stores. You'll say, "The dinosaurs are fierce again..." Do you think jinglebels wrote it last fall? All of them in one month. Believe me, there is such naphthalene that no moth in any chest would survive.

So let's take up our great New Year's legacy and creatively rework it! And we sing.

If anything, this is also a winter, holiday song - watch it and see for yourself. And I went to learn words — to prepare a number for Santa Claus. Otherwise, what gift do you have if you don't have a poem or a song?



That's what it's all about.

That's what our summer is like,

Summer is dressed in bright greenery,

Summer is warmed by the hot sun,

Summer breathes like a breeze!

We're covered in a bronze tan

The berries in the forest are on fire,

Summer, hot summer for a reason,

Summer is good!

The author's point of view may not coincide with the position of the editorial board.