, Hong Kong, December 12 (Reporter Wei Huadu) Mainland writer Xue Mo participated in a literary dialogue in Hong Kong on the afternoon of the 19th, sharing with readers and scholars the mental process of literary creation, work analysis, etc.

Dialogue scene. Photo by Chinanews reporter Wei Huadu

Xue Mo is a national first-class writer, vice chairman of the Gansu Writers Association, cultural scholar, and author of many novels.

In addition to Xue Mo, the dialogue was attended by Lai Qingfang, lecturer of the master's programme of the School of Chinese at the University of Hong Kong, Tsang Fanyu, assistant professor of the Department of Chinese at Hong Kong Baptist University, and Hong Kong writer critic Mei Zi.

It is reported that the traditional and simplified versions of the novel "Qiang Village" written by Xue Mo were officially published last year and this year, and it is a suspense novel with strong western colors, describing the psychological characteristics and personality of the Qiang Village people represented by the protagonist Long Duogere, reflecting the deep pursuit of human nature and the meaning of life in a specific time and space.

On the same day, Xue Mo claimed to be a niche writer, a non-mainstream writer, and a writer who was willing to speak with literature alone. "What sets me apart from other writers is that I have to write something that no one else can write. Whether it's the content of the novel or the innovation of the form, this is something that is 'unique' for me. ”

Meizi said: "The central idea of "Qiang Village" is to let readers unleash their imagination, and good works are like this, after the writer has shaped it, it is completely up to the reader to explain, and every time you read it, you have a new experience, and such a work is valuable." Xue Mo's work is very profound, and his works will influence world literature. ”

In Zeng Fanyu's view, the Qiang Village in "Qiang Village" is not only a geographical Qiang Village, but is related to human nature and has a deeper and broader meaning. Regarding the exploration of human nature, the author uses a unique narrative method, and all the characters in the novel, which are also the problems of "me" itself, ultimately point to the reader himself.

Lai Qingfang said that Xue Mo is a writer with faith, and his works are very profound and worthy of our excavation. Of course, in order to understand a writer, we need to understand his inner world, and then understand his works, so that we can understand the purpose of his writing.

The event attracted a large number of readers. Photo courtesy of the organizer

The event attracted a number of readers from the Mainland and Hong Kong, who enthusiastically asked questions and discussed topics such as life confusion and views on life with Xue Mo and the guests.

It is reported that the event was hosted by China International Media Publishing Group and Shamba Culture Distribution Co., Ltd. (ENDS)