Solène Delinger 14:30 p.m., December 12, 2023

Margot left "Star Academy" on Saturday, December 9 at the end of the sixth prime of the season. The 25-year-old, always sunny and smiling at the Château de Dammarie-les-Lys, looks back on the highlights of her adventure for

Despite her best efforts to convince viewers on Saturday night with her cover of Comme des enfants from Coeur de pirate, Margot was eliminated from Star Academy. The 25-year-old from Rouen, a holiday club leader, leaves home without any bitterness, proud to have gone so far in front of students, each more talented than the last. For, she confides in us about the best moments of her experience at the castle, her relationship with her partner Victorien and her friendship with Axel. Interview.

How do you feel a few days after your elimination?

I feel good. Frankly, I didn't have time to get a slump and I'm keeping my spirits up. I stay on my first impression when I came out, which is to say that I'm proud of my journey. I didn't think I'd get this far in the adventure so I really don't have any regrets.

You were very close to all your comrades and yet they didn't vote for you on Saturday night... Do you understand their choice?

Totally, because I was facing Axel. At the castle, many people think that he has to go to the final and we even see him winning the show. For us, it represents the concept of Star Academy very well. We had already had this conversation between us and we told each other that if we met him, he would stay and that was totally ok.

>> ALSO READ - 'I wonder what the hell I'm doing here': Star Academy's Djebril in doubt after prime

However, Axel did not hesitate to tackle Julien and Pierre after learning of his appointment...

I've seen that he's been criticized a lot for it on social media. It pains me because I know he's a caring guy who has always been there for everyone, even when we were in evaluation periods. He always took the time to help us, even at his own expense. He just had a moment where the pressure was difficult to deal with. We're human, that's normal!

Would you say that the atmosphere at the castle has changed in the last few days and that some students have become more competitive?

Above all, you have to understand that everything becomes more difficult to manage after six weeks of adventure. You lose a person every time you come back from the bonus and then you immediately find yourself in the stress of evaluations. At first, we were fresh and we were in a kind of euphoria. The more time passes, the more complicated it becomes.

Which student will you miss the most and why?

I can't choose just one! Axel obviously, but I'm going to miss Djebril and Clara a lot too.

During the adventure, you got closer to Victorien, who was eliminated on Saturday, December 3rd. Have you ever reconnected with him?

I got back in touch with all the elders. In fact, they have created a WhatsApp group, and with each outing, they include the person who has just been eliminated. I think it's a really great idea. We've all already rewritten ourselves about this group of leavers.

>> READ - Star Academy's Margot breaks her silence after her elimination: "I'm digesting"

Which teacher made the biggest impression on you?

Obviously, they all made an impression on me. But if I had to choose just one, I would say Malika, the dance teacher. I remember there was a controversy about the fact that Yanis Marshall, the former dance teacher, didn't come back. So we didn't really know what to expect from her. And frankly, Malika was a great revelation. She has an energy that makes us want to go to her classes. She put on good music and she had the gift of putting everyone at ease, both beginners and more experienced. With her, everyone finds their place.

What is your best memory of Star Academy?

I told all the other media about my memory of my painting dancing and singing to Lady Gaga's Bloody Mary, which was amazing. But I also have another great memory, this time at the castle. On the night of the first evaluations, there was a general euphoria, we were all laughing and that was the beginning of the stupid things too (laughs). I remember we created a game where you hid a ginger under someone's pillow and the person who woke up with the ginger had a pledge. It's silly, but it was our first moments of life so it stuck with me.

And your worst memory?

My first nomination because it was the very first week of the adventure. It's everyone's dread! No one wants to be appointed in the first week, let alone leave in the first week.

Who do you think can win Star Academy?

It's between Axel and Clara but I'd say Axel because he's the one who touches me the most.

And you, what are your plans?

I'm already going to reply to all the messages I've received (laughs)! Then I'll see what opportunities come my way. One thing's for sure, I want to make a living from my music. I'd really like to find my place in that world. I already have songs that are ready. After that, I want to give myself some time, just to rest and choose where I want to go.