Hotel Ritz in Paris (archive photo)


A businesswoman from Malaysia lost a ring during a visit to the Hotel Ritz in Paris. Not just any ring, but a precious piece of jewellery worth 750,000 euros.

The woman complained to the hotel management, insinuated a theft by the staff and then filed a complaint on Friday last week. She placed the ring on a table in her hotel room and then went shopping for a few hours, the woman told police. When she returned, the piece of jewelry had disappeared.

But then it suddenly reappeared: As the newspaper »Le Parisien« reports, security forces found the ring on Sunday – in the bag of a vacuum cleaner.

Free night? No thank you!

The visitor from Malaysia had already travelled on to London on Saturday. However, she had announced that she would return to Paris to receive her ring in person.

A spokesperson for the Ritz said the lady would be offered three free nights to compensate her for her inconvenience. However, the tourist apparently did not want to accept this offer.

A spokesman for the hotel told the Parisien that the ring was found as a result of meticulous investigations by security personnel. On behalf of the management, he thanked the employees for their commitment, "integrity" and "professionalism".
