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Don't look particularly relaxed about the Advent season: Health Minister Karl Lauterbach with protective mask


Federal Health Minister Lauterbach (SPD) has called for special precautionary measures in the run-up to Christmas to protect against corona infection. "Corona remains dangerous. It's not a cold that you can catch every season without hesitation," Lauterbach told Bild am Sonntag.

"Rather, Corona often also affects the blood vessels or weakens the immune system, so far too often it cannot be completely cured," the Minister of Health noted. He called on people to "get vaccinated as soon as possible in the next few days – preferably against flu and Corona at the same time".

On buses and trains, everyone should "wear a mask again," the minister said. He also advises avoiding indoor Christmas parties.

Those who have the opportunity should rather stay in the home office and not work in the office, Lauterbach added. In addition, he recommended "in case of doubt" a quick corona test "before we meet older sick people".
