The 11th China (Mianyang) Science and Technology City International Science and Technology Expo (hereinafter referred to as "Science and Technology Expo") was held in Mianyang, Sichuan Province from November 22nd to 26th. While displaying hard-core technology and strength, hundreds of local intangible cultural heritage products such as Beichuan Qiang embroidery and Beichuan water polish paint also attracted many Chinese and foreign visitors to stop and visit the supporting exhibition area. During the <>th Science and Technology Expo, the reporter walked into Beichuan Qiang Autonomous County, Sichuan Province to visit these intangible cultural heritages "on the clouds".

Qiang embroidery, known as "needlework on the clouds", was included in the traditional art category in the second batch of "National Intangible Cultural Heritage Catalog". There are many inheritors of Qiang embroidery in Beichuan, and Chen Yunzhen is one of the representative inheritors.

【Period】Sichuan Provincial Intangible Cultural Heritage Qiang Embroidery Inheritor Chen Yunzhen

Qiang embroidery is a traditional craft that we have handed down, it is a traditional handmade embroidery that is inseparable from the life of our Qiang people for generations. The characteristics of Qiang embroidery are mainly used in our lives, and it is higher in practical value than other embroidery.

Chen Yunzhen said that in addition to participating in the science and technology expo, she has also brought Qiang embroidery to various activities in recent years, and the purpose is also to bring Qiang embroidery out of the mountains.

【Period】Sichuan Provincial Intangible Cultural Heritage Qiang Embroidery Inheritor Chen Yunzhen

This is mainly the party and the government, in fact, to give us a lot of platforms, that is to say, let us go out to visit and study, and then provide some platforms for display, sales and performances, so that we can bring our traditional culture out, and then bring out the mountains to a larger place, more developed cities to show, so that more people understand our Qiang embroidery art.

In order to better inherit the Qiang embroidery, Chen Yunzhen often shuttles between the county's towns and villages, training left-behind women and the disabled to learn Qiang embroidery skills for free, and driving embroiderers to achieve home employment.

【Period】Sichuan Provincial Intangible Cultural Heritage Qiang Embroidery Inheritor Chen Yunzhen

In fact, I feel that I have mastered this skill in this aspect, not only by myself, but also by allowing more people to participate, in fact, we are also a kind of common learning, but also a common inheritance of culture. So in this regard, I think we are slowly expanding our influence, and then our traditional culture is not just to let us know in the local area, (need) to go out to let more people understand, and even our Qiang embroidery this year also embarked on the China International Fashion Week, I think this is a recognition of our Qiang embroidery, (I) think this is a very good thing.

【Commentary】With bright black, white, blue, red and other main colors, the needle and thread shuttle back and forth, the action is skillful, Chen Yunzhen focuses on embroidering the Qiang embroidery in his hand, and the croissant flower with the characteristics of the Qiang nationality jumps in front of him and is lifelike. Chen Yunzhen said that the inheritance of Qiang embroidery needs to be innovated, and it needs to be transformed into a way of "multi-point flowering" such as intangible cultural heritage entering campuses, entering enterprises, establishing cooperatives, and developing cultural and creative products.

【Period】Sichuan Provincial Intangible Cultural Heritage Qiang Embroidery Inheritor Chen Yunzhen

In fact, we have been thinking about a problem that is, like us more traditional embroiderers, traditional or inheritors, always stay on the basis of tradition, I want to let younger people, as well as college designers, professional designers for our Qiang embroidery design some products, design into some works suitable for modern aesthetics, get involved, we work together to do this thing well, but also to do our nation better.

[Commentary] Chen Yunzhen has the same idea as Huang Qiang, the representative inheritor of Qiang straw weaving. As the most characteristic folk craft of the Qiang nationality, the history of Qiang straw weaving can be traced back to the straw shoes worn by Dayu, the ancestor of the Chinese nation, and the cloth worn by the Chinese people, which has a history of more than 5000,<> years. Huang Qiang introduced that it is not the first time that Qiang straw weaving has participated in the Science and Technology Expo.

[same period] Huang Qiang, the representative inheritor of Qiang straw weaving

Last year, we participated in the 10th Science and Technology Expo, (at that time) Argentina (to China) Ambassador Mr. Niu Wangdao came to our straw weaving base to experience our straw weaving, he felt that our traditional culture straw weaving is very magical, and he was also very interested in our products.

Palm leaves, straw, corn husks and other crop wastes can soon be turned into straw artworks of different shapes in Huang Qiang's hands.

[same period] Huang Qiang, the representative inheritor of Qiang straw weaving

In order to participate in the science and technology fair, we are also constantly innovating our products, on the basis of traditional straw weaving, we continue to improve the integration of light and electricity these technologies, we are now developing some decorative wall lamps, the modern technology into our traditional handicrafts to make our products more fashionable, more in line with the aesthetic needs of modern people.

In order to make Qiang straw weaving go to the whole country and the world, Huang Qiang led his team to carry out straw weaving inheritance and skills training for the people in Liangshan Prefecture, Panzhihua City, Ya'an City and Guizhou Qiandongnan Region, helping local left-behind women and disabled friends to achieve flexible employment at home and increase income and get rich. With the help of science and technology fairs, theme exhibitions and other platforms, Huang Qiang's team also brought their works to the cultural exchange activities in more than 30 cities such as Helsinki and London, and the products have been sold to more than 20 countries and regions.

[same period] Huang Qiang, the representative inheritor of Qiang straw weaving

We see that many of our original folk handicrafts are slowly disappearing, so I hope that through some of my own efforts, on the one hand, we can help some people in need, and on the other hand, we can protect and inherit our traditional folk handicrafts and traditional culture.

Reporter He Xi reported from Mianyang, Sichuan

Editor in charge: [Luo Pan]