Taiyuan, November 11 (Wu Qiong) The reporter learned from the Shanxi Provincial Emergency Management Department on the 21st that Shanxi continued to deepen the special investigation and rectification of major accidents in key industries in the province, digging deep into the blind spots and making up for the shortcomings.

In order to deeply learn the lessons of the "11.16" major fire and other accidents in the office building of Yongju Coal Industry in Lishi District, Luliang City, the Shanxi Provincial Safety Committee issued the "Notice on Continuing to Carry out Special Investigation and Rectification of Major Accidents in Key Industries and Fields in the Province", and decided to continue to deepen the special investigation and rectification of major accidents in key industries and fields in the province from November 2023, 11 to the end of February 17. Safety responsibility implementation activities.

Among them, the "large-scale investigation" and "large-scale rectification" mainly focus on key industries such as coal mines, non-coal mines, hazardous chemicals, and fire safety; Crowded places, sensitive special places, mixed production and operation sites, and other places with major risks and hidden dangers that may lead to mass deaths and injuries and other places with large fire risks and concentrated personnel activities that are likely to cause mass deaths and injuries or major social impacts; Offices, canteens, hotels and other crowded places that are prone to leakage and loss of control; Four aspects of safety hazards, such as fire, limited space, and high-altitude operations, as well as five safety issues, such as unreliable work style, illegal production and operation construction, imperfect safety management system, imperfect institutions, chaotic on-site management, frequent "three violations", weak self-help and mutual rescue capabilities, and poor emergency response, draw inferences from one another, check and fill in the gaps, focus on investigation and rectification, and eliminate risks and hidden dangers.

The Shanxi Provincial Safety Committee requires that all departments and units at all levels consolidate the responsibilities of all parties, strictly implement the responsibilities of party and government leaders, departmental supervision responsibilities and corporate main responsibilities, carry out joint law enforcement inspections on the basis of special inspections, increase the intensity of secret inspections and surprise inspections, and use experts to conduct detailed investigations and increase law enforcement and accountability for major accidents and outstanding problems found in law enforcement inspections.

Expose, report, and interview those who do not firmly establish the concept of safe development, fail to implement responsibilities, are mere formalities, are lax in supervision and law enforcement, are ineffective in investigating and rectifying hidden dangers, and lagging behind, passing the buck, and perfunctory in their work. For illegal production, operation and construction behaviors and potential dangers of major accidents, if there are law enforcement "water release" behaviors such as not discovering and punishing that should be discovered, they shall be transferred to the Commission for Discipline Inspection and Supervision, organizations, public security and other departments for accountability.

For those who do not conscientiously perform their duties and a relatively large production safety accident occurs, not only the person directly responsible shall be held responsible, but also the responsibility of the local party committee and government leaders and the supervision responsibility of the relevant departments. Where serious violations of laws and regulations such as illegal coal mines and illegal mining are not effectively stopped, or even left unchecked, causing serious consequences, the principal leaders of the party committees and governments of the local counties (townships) and the principal responsible persons of the industry safety supervision departments shall be removed from office as soon as possible, and further accountability shall be pursued in accordance with laws and regulations, and those that constitute a crime shall be transferred to the judicial organs for investigation of criminal responsibility. (ENDS)