, Shanghai, Nov. 11 (Xinhua) -- Commemorating the 20th Anniversary of Xie Jin's Birth: Born for Movies, "Immortal" in Movies

Chinanews reporter Wang Ji

"Director Xie Jin is a master of a generation in the history of Chinese film, and he always insists that the film should reflect the issues that contemporary people care about, which is Xie Jin's most affectionate confession to the audience." On November 11, at the "Salute to the Centennial Xie Jin" ceremony to commemorate the 20th anniversary of Xie Jin's birth sponsored by Shanghai Film Group, Shanghai Film Association, and Shanghai Xie Jin Film Art Foundation, Gu Haohao, vice chairman of the Shanghai Federation of Literary and Art Circles, sighed.

On November 11, the ceremony to commemorate the 20th anniversary of Xie Jin's birth was held in Fushouyuan, Shanghai. Photo by Chinanews reporter Wang Ji

On November 1923, 11, Xie Jin was born in a scholarly family in Shangyu, Zhejiang, and his name was given by his grandfather to commemorate his ancestor (Xie An, the name of the Eastern Jin Dynasty).

"Women's Basketball No. 60" opened a precedent for new Chinese sports films, "Red Detachment of Women" completed the aesthetic innovation of traditional revolutionary historical themes, and "Stage Sisters" created a new style of Chinese drama films... In the past 30 years, Xie Jin has made more than <> films, recording China's history for more than half a century and the context of social progress, which is deeply loved by hundreds of millions of audiences.

In the eyes of relatives, friends and colleagues, Xie Jin adhered to his original intention, ingenuity and innovation all his life. He uses images to engrave the traces of social changes, talk about human affairs, write the history of his family and country, and warm the world with his pure heart; He does not let go of every detail and every prop, meticulously crafted, and never gets tired of it; The variety of styles and styles of the films he directed is unique in the history of Chinese cinema so far.

The 20s of the 80th century was the peak of Xie Jin's film life, and his "Legend of Tianyun Mountain", "Wrangler" and "Furong Town" are known as the "reflection trilogy", which is an unprecedented classic in Chinese film history.

Actor Xu Songzi, who became famous for starring in "Li Guoxiang" in the movie "Furong Town", brought 4 notebooks that have been treasured for many years that day, and each of them has Xie Jin's handwritten annotation. "The red pen annotation is the good place, and the blue pen annotation is the one that needs to be improved and improved. It was in this continuous improvement that my first screen image, Li Guoxiang, was born, and it is still remembered by people today. ”

As a banner figure of Chinese cinema, Xie Jin's influence has gone far beyond the scope of cinema. Wang Jian'er, chairman of Shanghai Film Group, said that as early as the 20s of the 80th century, Xie Jin proposed to "hold a film festival of Chinese's own", and spared no effort to advocate for this. "The practice of the past 30 years has proved that the Shanghai International Film Festival, co-founded by the filmmakers of director Xie Jin's generation, has successfully built a bridge for cultural exchanges and cooperation between China and foreign countries, and also supported the stage for Chinese films to go to the world."

People can't stop thinking about Xie Jin, just like Xie Jin can't stop loving movies. In recent years, the Douban score of Xie Jin's films has increased year by year, and more and more young audiences have expressed their love for Xie Jin's films by scoring.

As many filmmakers have said, Xie Jin was born for movies, and he is also "immortalized" in his own films. (ENDS)