Meishan, Sichuan Province announced major archaeological discoveries: confirmed the cemetery of Su Dongpo's family, and the tombs of Su Shi's grandson and great-grandson appeared

▲Excavation site

Three fathers and sons, all of whom are great writers, about the relics left by the three Su fathers and sons in Sichuan, the most prestigious is the Sansu Temple located in Meishan, Sichuan, but where Su Dongpo's family cemetery is, few people know.

In Shizika Village, Xiuwen Town, East Slope District, Meishan Mountain, the name of "Su Cemetery" in the village has been inherited for a long time, and it is the Dongpo family tomb that has been passed down from generation to generation in the mouth of the villagers.

On November 11, the Sichuan Provincial Institute of Cultural Relics and Archaeology and the Meishan Municipal Bureau of Cultural Relics jointly disclosed the major archaeological discoveries in Meishan confirmed that the Dasu Cemetery in the "Su Cemetery" is the tomb of Su Shi's grandson Su Fu, and the Xiao Su Cemetery is the tomb of Su Shan, the great-grandson of Su Shi and the son of Su Fu. This complete cemetery structure has been revealed, which is extremely rare in Sichuan.

The Red Star News reporter learned that the "Su Cemetery" has been included in the Meishan Municipal Cultural Relics Protection Unit before, and now the Su Dongpo family cemetery has been officially confirmed through archaeological excavations, which is of more important significance for in-depth excavation of the Sansu culture and the inheritance of the Sansu culture.

▲Excavation site


The Su Dongpo family cemetery appeared

The large and small Su cemeteries are the tombs of Su Shi's grandsons and great-grandchildren

"Su Cemetery" is a small place name in Shizika Village, Xiuwen Town, Dongpo District, Meishan City, Sichuan Province, according to the local villagers from generation to generation, here is the family cemetery of Su Dongpo, a generation of great writers.

The Red Star News reporter learned that from December 2018, 12 to April 24, 2019, the Sichuan Provincial Institute of Cultural Relics and Archaeology formed an archaeological team to carry out rescue archaeological excavations on the tombs of Xiaosu Cemetery and conducted a comprehensive investigation of the surrounding area.

After archaeological excavations, it was found that the construction scale of Xiaosu Cemetery was large, and the overall plane was rectangular, including the wall, the tomb building, the ring wall, the tomb chamber, the tomb building, the steps, the road and other parts, and the rest of the buildings were destroyed, the details are unknown. The whole garden building is distributed on the slope, scattered, the height difference from the top to the bottom is 8.5 meters, the plane layout is symmetrically distributed on the central axis, and the main building facilities are located on the central axis.

According to the inscription of the tomb bricks and the relevant documents, it can be confirmed that the Dasu Cemetery of the "Su Cemetery" is the tomb of Su Fu, the grandson of Su Shi, and the tomb of Su Shan, the great-grandson of Su Shi and the son of Su Fu.

▲The mutilated tombstone of Su Dongpo's great-grandson


It is rare to see a complete cemetery structure in Sichuan

It is conducive to excavating and inheriting the culture of the Three Soviet Unions

As early as December 2017, in Cross Card Village, Xiuwen Town, under the leadership of local village cadres, Red Star News reporters saw dozens of green bricks about 12 cm long, 40 cm wide and about 20 cm thick in a room in the management office with "Dongpo Ancient Garden".

▲The tomb bricks of Su Dongpo's descendants

These bricks are stained with loess, and are engraved with the words "Yousong Dazong Bosu Cemetery", "Tomb of Sinong Shaoqing Su Gong", "White Crane Weng Tomb", "Dongpo Great-grandson White Crane Weng", "Dongpo Yuansun" and so on. Next to the bricks, there are simple instructions: Sufu tomb bricks, Sushan tomb bricks, etc.

At that time, a broken stone tablet in the house was also engraved with the words "according to the tomb bricks, it is the great-grandson of Dongpo" and "Guangxu picks up the year and the age of the first". In another room, it can be seen from a pair of tombstone rubbings hanging on the wall that the tombstone is engraved in the middle of the "Song Rite Department Shangshu Su Gongfu White Crane Weng Tomb", which is signed for Liu Chongde and others in the tenth year of Guangxu of the Qing Dynasty (1884).

▲ Su Fu's tomb bricks

The relevant person in charge of Shishika Village said in an interview with the Red Star News reporter at the time that there are more than 2000,<> tomb bricks of Su Fu alone found in Shishika Village, which is the largest in the number of physical objects and the largest volume among the Su relics in the country.

Previously, the official website of the Sichuan Provincial Institute of Cultural Relics and Archaeology also released the archaeological discovery of the Song tomb in Meishan Su Cemetery. Information shows that in 1974, the tomb of Su Fu and another tomb in the surrounding area were destroyed. At present, the remnants of the tomb of Su Fu have been covered with modern buildings. Based on the content of this official disclosure, another tomb is Xiaosu Cemetery, that is, the tomb of Su Shi's great-grandson Su Shan.

Relevant people said that although the tomb has been destroyed, this complete cemetery structure has been revealed, which is extremely rare in Sichuan, and the grand cemetery structure is of great significance for the study of the funeral system of the Song Dynasty officials.

In addition, the confirmation of the owner of the tomb is not only an important carrier of the Sansu culture, but also of great significance for the in-depth excavation of the Sansu culture and the inheritance of the Sansu culture.

▲Behind the archway of the ancestral tomb of the Su family, it is the cemetery of the Su Dongpo family in the mouth of the villagers


The name "Su Cemetery" has been used for a long time

Archaeological excavations confirmed the rumors

In fact, in Shijika Village, Xiuwen Town, the name of "Su Cemetery" has been followed in the mouths of local villagers for a long time.

In December 2017, when the Red Star News reporter interviewed in Cross Card Village, the staff of the "Su Cemetery" management office at that time said that Cross Card Village was the ancestral residence of the Meizhou descendants of Su Wei, the prime minister of the Tang Dynasty, and many of his people were buried here after their deaths, so it was called "Su Cemetery". The tombs of the Su Dongpo family in the mouths of the villagers include the tombs of Su Dongpo's grandfather Su Xu, sister Su Banniang, grandson Su Fu and others. However, due to historical reasons, these cemeteries have been seriously damaged, and five mausoleums have been repaired, including Su Wei, Su Xu, Su Fu, and Su Banniang.

The staff member also introduced that Su Fu is the most prominent official among the many descendants of Su Shi's brothers (the Ministry of Rites, Zheng Erpin). According to historical records, Su Fu was a scholar in his later years and never went out after returning to Shu. In the twenty-sixth year of Shaoxing in the Southern Song Dynasty (1156), Su Fu died, and the imperial court posthumously awarded the "Founding Uncle of Meishan".

"Su Cemetery" was originally a Meishan municipal cultural relics protection unit, but the cultural relics department had not yet carried out archaeological excavations at that time, and the word of mouth of the villagers had not been fully confirmed.

At that time, the cultural relics department of the eastern slope of Meishan District also said that it was necessary to combine historical records to determine that this place was the Dongpo family cemetery. However, whether there are graves of other people in the Su Dongpo family here, only rescue excavations can allow more historical information to emerge and get a more accurate conclusion. This is not only conducive to the declaration of cultural relics protection units, but also conducive to the scientific protection and repair of the Su cemetery, and to the local development and utilization.

Now, the archaeological excavation has officially confirmed the news that the Su Dongpo family cemetery has been here for many years, which has made the locals happy.

On November 11, the Red Star News reporter learned from the village of Cross Card that now, after the rescue excavation, the excavation site is protected, not only installed with surveillance, but also by people who will often patrol and protect it.

Red Star News reporter Jiang Lin Yao Yongzhong Part of the map is based on the Meishan Cultural Relics Department