Europe 1 18:00 p.m., November 13, 2023

Every week, Laurent Mariotte welcomes a guest. And this week it's Muriel Robin. She will be back on Thursday, November 9 at 21:10 p.m. on TF1 in MASTER CRIMES, a new police series in 6 episodes. But also in the play "Lapin" at the Théâtre Edouard VII in Paris, on November 8th. For her, chef Guillaume Campion of Bombance in Paris cooks a poultry from the Landes, with parsnip purée and salsify roasted with meat jus. A recipe to be found on

The recipe for Tlitli, meatballs and coriander broth:

Ingredients for 4 people:

  • 200 gr bird tongues
  • 200gr minced meat
  • 1 Onion
  • 2 slices of sandwich bread
  • 1 pinch of cumin
  • 400 ml chicken stock
  • 50 gr coriander o Salt and pepper PM
  • 100 ml milk
  • Olive oil
  • Butter 50 gr
  • Candied lemon 20 gr

Preparation Steps: Cook the bird tongues in a saucepan with a little olive oil, add the chicken or vegetable stock, make the kefta stuffing. Take the minced meat, mix it with the salt, pepper, onion and cumin, put the sandwich bread in the milk and mix it with the meat. Make small balls between 15 and 20 gr and add it to the broth. At the end, put the small coriander leaves. A little trick from the chef to have a little tangy flavor: add candied lemon. Enjoy your meal!