, Chongqing, Nov. 11 (Xinhua) -- Chongqing Jialing Jiangwan Parkwalk "out of the circle" Citizens stroll along the riverside to find a small fortune in life

Written by Huang Weizheng

Autumn turns to winter, and the Jialing River Bay in the main city of Chongqing has set off a Parkwalk craze. In the Jinhaiwan Riverside Park in Chongqing Liangjiang New Area, citizens and tourists sometimes look like explorers, calmly measuring the park with their footsteps, and shuttling freely in the trails of Lijia Mountain City; Sometimes he is like a painter, observing the urban texture carefully with his eyes, and sketching a picture of his own "Qingming Riverside Map".

At the same time, through the leisurely Parkwalk, the edifiers connect the park's landmark buildings, well-known scenic spots, restaurants and shops, which not only delights the body and mind, but also opens up a new scene for urban consumption.

Visitors buy as they walk and consume as they like

On a sunny day, Liu Lin, a white-collar worker in Liangjiang Digital Economy Industrial Park, always likes to stroll in the park with friends. At the end of the day, they participated in the golden autumn ride, visited the park, and tasted specialty coffee.

"It is said that walking in the park is a pleasure that does not cost money, but there are attractive purchases on the way, and I am willing to pay for it." Liu Lin admits that compared with traditional check-in tourism, Parkwalk's consumption is more free, casual and diverse.

The picture shows citizens strolling through Chongqing Golden Bay Riverside Park. Photo by Huang Weizheng

In the view of the walkers of the Golden Bay Riverside Park, it is a choice to choose two or three attractions within walking distance, go to the coffee shop when you are tired, go to the riverside camping shop to replenish your energy when you are hungry, and be attracted by the exquisite cultural and creative shops on the way.

"In an immersive way, deep into the corners and corners, the park is not only full of trendy boutiques, but also the hawking of street vendors in strong dialects and the lazy kittens on bluestone slabs." Citizens discover that there is more than one side to urban life.

Dig deep into consumer demand and create a spiritual harbor

According to the White Paper on China's Travel Consumption Trends (2023 Edition), niche and unique, relaxed and unexpected, unknown surprises, and deep locality are becoming new trends in travel consumption this year.

Unlike the "100 steps after dinner", Parkwalk walkers are more spontaneous, sometimes "scissors and baggage hammers" to determine the direction of the next street, and sometimes follow the idea of "green light, red light" to determine the walking route. On the way, digging up the "treasure store" is naturally "so happy that it flies", and if you "step on the thunder" to visit the store, it will not jump like thunder. "Go out, just be happy!"

The picture shows the open-air concert in the park, attracting wanderers to stop and enjoy. Courtesy of LOOKLOOK Photography Studio

Changing "deliberate consumption" to "on-the-go consumption", many businesses have entered the game this year and launched a series of related new formats, which have been favored by many young people.

"We combine neighborhood, nature, interest, and consumption, and try to try a multi-dimensional exploration of a new type of green space in a high-density urban social environment." Zhang Xiaojia, the manager of the Four Seasons Cafe, said that he hopes to provide community-style parent-child reading, humanistic activities, selected coffee, seasonal meals and other services in the park, so that everyone can obtain a learned "cultivation" of physical and mental balance in a world close to nature.

Combining the outdoor culture of the park with the retro trend of photography and exploring the infinite possibilities of photography + lifestyle together is the original intention of Maggie, the owner of LOOKLOOK Photography Studio, to open the store. In her shop, in addition to photography appointments, there are also trendy activities such as frisbee, land chong, cycling, open-air movies, concerts, camping, and board games. Everyone sits around and quickly "breaks the ice", and can also find "cycling pairs" and "photography pairs", extending more social circles and providing possibilities for young people to quickly integrate into the city.

Merchants actively link outdoor activities to attract attention

In Chongqing, Parkwalk is not only exclusive to fashionable young people, but also a "paradise" for outdoor enthusiasts.

The picture shows cycling enthusiasts checking in to the exquisite store. Courtesy of LOOKLOOK Photography Studio

Long Wei, a cycling "enthusiast", said that the grass on the banks of the Jialing River, the birds are singing and the flowers are fragrant, and it is a pleasure to exercise in such a water-friendly space and viewing platform.

Deng Anlin, a marathon enthusiast, often goes to Jinhaiwan Riverside Park to run, and the round trip is twenty or thirty kilometers. She believes that running is good for improving the body's endurance and anti-fatigue ability, especially on the picturesque riverbank, and can also play a role in reducing stress and anxiety.

In their opinion, Parkwalk is not limited to strolling, it is more important to stay relaxed and happy without worries, and to put aside all the trivial things. Thanks to the beautiful scenery, Jinhaiwan Riverside Park has become the "favorite" of many outdoor sports enthusiasts, who come from far and wide, looking forward to meeting like-minded people at their own pace.

The picture shows the Park Reading Club. Courtesy of LOOKLOOK Photography Studio

Social innovation chats, autumn cycling and playing... Nowadays, the park businesses are actively linked, a series of colorful activities are constantly carried out, more and more people are looking for life and discovering life in a comfortable stroll, creating life from the heart, enjoying life, and everywhere they go is scenery.

Li Songyu, the park division of Yugao Company, said that the interaction between people and the city will always continue, and Parkwalk will be more widely accepted in the future, and what needs to be considered now is how to further improve the cityscape, deepen the market-oriented reform of parks, and balance the relationship between high popularity and excellent experience, so that it can be sustainable. (ENDS)