, Beijing, November 11 (Reporter Chen Hang) Beijing has entered a new annual forest fire prevention period on November 8. Judging from the situation analysis, the precipitation in the city this autumn and winter is low and the temperature is high, and if the illegal agricultural fire cannot be effectively controlled, the probability of forest fires is expected to increase significantly. It is expected that by the end of the year, 11 kilometers of fire roads and 1 kilometers of fire prevention trails will be able to rush through and have traffic conditions.

This was learned by the reporter from the press conference on the 8-2023 Beijing forest fire prevention and extinguishing work on the 2024th.

On the 8th, Beijing held a press conference on forest fire prevention and extinguishing work in 2023-2024. Photo courtesy of the Information Office of the Beijing Municipal Government

The probability of forest fires in Beijing is expected to increase significantly this autumn and winter

Yang Yongjun, a second-level inspector at the Beijing Municipal Emergency Management Bureau, said that Beijing had entered a forest fire prevention period on November 11. Judging from the situation research and judgment, the city's precipitation in autumn and winter this year is low, the temperature is high, the fuel load under the forest continues to increase, and the tourism activities in the forest area are intensive.

Yang Yongjun said: Beijing will do a good job in refining its measures and implementing its tasks in light of its actual conditions, strive to prevent smoke and fire in important areas and key periods, and make every effort to reduce the number of ordinary forest fires to ensure that no major forest fires occur.

Yang Yongjun reminded the public to actively support the capital's forest fire prevention and extinguishing work, consciously abide by the relevant laws and regulations on wildland fire, do not smoke or use fire in the forest fire prevention area, and jointly protect the green homeland.

We should pay close attention to repairing fire prevention roads such as Fangshan and Mentougou

Wang Jinzeng, deputy director of the Beijing Municipal Bureau of Landscaping and Landscaping, said that in the heavy rainstorm of "23.7" this year, the fire prevention roads in the western mountainous areas of Beijing suffered huge losses, and the restoration of fire prevention roads is an important task in the current fire prevention and extinguishing work.

Wang Jinzeng said: Beijing has stepped up efforts to repair fire-fighting roads and fire-prevention trails in Fangshan, Mentougou, and other hard-hit areas, and it is expected that by the end of the year, 328 kilometers of fireproof roads and 84 kilometers of fireproof trails will be rushed through and have access conditions, and reconstruction will be completed in an all-round way before the flood next year.

Strengthen the construction of forest firefighting teams at the township level

Yang Yongjun said that in September this year, Beijing issued the "Implementation Plan on Comprehensively Strengthening Forest Fire Prevention and Extinguishing Work under the New Situation in the Capital" (hereinafter referred to as the "Plan"), which made a top-level design and provided action guidelines for the capital's forest fire prevention and extinguishing work at present and in the future.

Combined with the actual situation of the capital, the plan sets the forest fire damage rate within 0.7‰, which is higher than the national standard, proposes measures to develop diversified grassroots firefighting forces, focuses on strengthening the construction of township-level forest firefighting teams, and realizes full coverage of key forested towns and towns by the end of 2025.

The plan promotes the construction of a big data platform for forest fire prevention and extinguishing, strengthens the construction of basic database for forest fire prevention and extinguishing, and implements the management of "one map" of basic data for forest fire prevention and extinguishing. Deepen the application of the command and dispatch platform for forest fire prevention and extinguishing operations, strengthen the equipment allocation of emergency command vehicles and portable satellite ground stations, improve the intelligent command and operation mode, and realize the "one network" of emergency communications. (ENDS)