Solène Delinger 18:13 p.m., November 01, 2023

Maxime Chattam was the guest of Europe 1 this Wednesday morning to present his new novel "Lux". Speaking to Thomas Isle, the writer opened up about his relationship with TV host Faustine Bollaert and remembered their first date, which didn't really go as planned...

Maxime Chattam has never been so in love with his wife Faustine Bollaert... Invited to Thomas Isle's microphone this Wednesday morning to talk about his new novel entitled Lux, the novelist agreed to open up about his relationship with the former Europe 1 host, whom he met 12 years ago. At the time, Maxime Chattam didn't really make a good impression...

>> Watch Thomas Isle and Culture-Médias every day from 9 a.m. to 11 a.m. on Europe 1 as well as in replay and podcast here

"I took her on a ride to urbex"

"I showed up 30 minutes late for dinner, so it was off to a good start...," he recalled of their first date. To make up for it, I invited her to the house so we could make movies. Well, maybe the program wasn't to his liking," he said. Their "first date night" then turned into a "slightly weird date".

"To mark the occasion, I took her on an urbex (editor's note: visit to abandoned places) to visit a hospital that was completely broken and abandoned. And we ended up on the roof watching the sunset and the stars with a bottle of champagne. It's nice, isn't it? In the middle of ghosts!", Maxime Chattam told Europe 1.

"It's a solid marriage"

Against all odds, Faustine Bollaert was charmed by the originality of this first meeting. A few months after this date, the host said "yes" for life to Maxime Chattam. "It's a solid marriage, with children, we're happy," the writer concluded, with stars in his eyes...