Taipei, 10 Oct (ZXS) -- A statistical analysis of Taiwan's names released by relevant departments of the Taiwan authorities on 30 October shows that 30,67571 people use overlapping names, of which 66351,1220 are women and <>,<> are men. Among the most commonly used overlapping names, women have the most "Tingting" and men have the most "Binbin".

It has been learned that this year, for the first time, the Taiwan authorities have counted the use of overlapping characters in people's names. Based on the household registration data on June 2023, 6, the top three overlapping names are: 30,4536 female "Tingting", 3834,3735 "Lingling", and 55,49 "Lili"; There are 45 male "Binbin", <> "An'an", and <> "Mingming".

Statistics show that among the top three common names in Taiwan, 31879,30420 women are "Shufen", 27487,14038 are "Shuhui", and 12719,12196 are "Meiling"; Males are 2010,2012 "Jiahao", <>,<> "Zhiming", and <>,<> "Jianhong". "Shufen" since <> and "Jiahao" since <>, respectively, ranked first among female and male names.

Statistics also show that on June 2023, 6, the total population of Taiwan will be about 30.2337 million, and the number of the top ten surnames will be 33.1233 million, accounting for 98.52% of the total population, in order of Chen, Lin, Huang, Zhang, Li, Wang, Wu, Liu, Cai, and Yang.

In 2023, the number of surnames in Taiwan will be 1785,1667, including 118,<> single surnames and <> compound surnames.

Statistics also found that on June 6 this year, Taiwan's population aging index was 30.149. The aging index of the top 05 surnames in Taiwan is the highest with the surname Guo, which is 20.158. (ENDS)