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Not delivered: The man had hoarded the letters from June 2022 to April 2023

Photo: Oliver Berg/ picture alliance / dpa

Due to overload, a postal employee in Austria said he did not deliver around 14,000 letters and 263 official documents. The Salzburg Regional Court sentenced the 43-year-old on Wednesday to ten months on probation for abuse of office.

The man had hoarded the letters from June 2022 to April 2023 in his apartment, in his car and in a locker at the delivery base. He justified the act with work overload, which had led to alcohol consumption and also private problems.

The service of official documents has a special significance, the judge warned. "These are documents that are about something, such as an invitation to appear in court or an acknowledgment of paternity." The Court of Aldermen considered the confession, the previous clean record, the exceptional psychological situation and the professional overload to be mitigating. "You asked for help, but you didn't get it," the judge said.
