Solène Delinger 08:00, October 22, 2023

Grand Corps Malade was the guest of Europe 1 this Sunday morning to talk about his new album "Reflets". Speaking to Julia Vignali, the 46-year-old slammer opened up about the passing of time and admitted that he needs his children to keep up with the times...

Time flies... And it's not Grand Corps Malade who will say otherwise! Invited to Julia Vignali this Sunday morning to talk about his new album Reflets, the famous slammer, who recently celebrated his 46th birthday, explains that he no longer feels very young. "I take this passing time with irony. Of course I realize that there are a lot of things I don't have the refs on anymore. And fortunately my children are there to explain a couple of things to me," the artist told Europe 1.

"My children are starting to explain life to me"

Grand Corps Malade takes this role reversal very well. "They're still very young, but it's still funny to see your children starting to explain life to you," he told Julia Vignali. Thanks to his children, the slammer even stays up to date with the latest musical news.

"They introduce me to new rappers"

"Every month there are new rappers, so it's important for me to get to know them because I'm still in the music business and I really like hip-hop. Every time I come back from football with my children, they introduce me to new rappers I didn't know, who are parodied by new YouTubers I didn't know," says Grand Corps Malade with humour. "It's a good thing my kids are here," concludes the star, who still feels a bit "crazy" despite the years that have passed...