• West Nile virus outbreak: one man died and two probable cases detected in Extremadura
  • Alert A 76-year-old woman, first hospitalized for West Nile virus in Barcelona
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A 73-year-old woman who was admitted to the Intensive Care Unit (ICU) of the San Pedro de Alcántara Hospital in Cáceres with symptoms compatible with infection by the West Nile Fever virus has died in the last few hours and thus becomes the second death from this cause in recent days in Extremadura. The first fatality was a 71-year-old man who died on October 8 at the Don Benito-Villanueva de la Serena Hospital (Badajoz).

These are not the only cases of this active virus in this autonomous community. A 71-year-old man remains hospitalized on the floor of the Cáceres hospital also as a probable case and, likewise, a 56-year-old woman is admitted to the ICU of the University Hospital of Badajoz who is confirmed to be infected by this virus.

The results of this type of analysis are not immediate, so the Extremadura Health Service (SES) does not yet have the information on them, stressed the Junta de Extremadura, which is waiting for definitive confirmation from the National Microbiology Centre. This disease is transmitted by the bite of a mosquito.

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Bless you.

What is West Nile virus? Symptoms and treatment

  • Written by: CRISTINA G. LUCIO Madrid

What is West Nile virus? Symptoms and treatment

After becoming aware of these cases in humans, the SES activated the protocol in force in the National Epidemiological Surveillance Network (Renave) and adapted it to the Epidemiological Surveillance Network of Extremadura.

This implies the implementation of all the established measures, including communication to the Blood Bank, as specified by the SES, which stresses that at the same time action is being taken in accordance with the Extremadura Plan for Preparedness and Response against Vectors, which includes the actions for the prevention and control of vectors at the different levels and areas of action and competences. including entomological and epidemiological actions, population information and prevention.

  • Infectious diseases
  • Extremadura