Regarding the status of influenza infection, the number of patients who visited medical institutions in the week ending October 10 nationwide was 8.1 per medical institution, an increase from the previous week. The Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare is calling for caution that it may become a full-fledged epidemic earlier than usual.

According to the National Institute of Infectious Diseases and others, the number of influenza cases reported by approximately 10,8 medical institutions nationwide in the week ending October 1 increased by nearly 5000,2000 from the previous week to 4,9212. The number of patients per medical institution is 1.9 nationwide, and based on this data, the number of patients nationwide in the past week is estimated to be about 99,1.

By region, the number of patients per medical institution is ▽ Okinawa Prefecture has 1.30 cases, exceeding the "alert level" of 85 people that are said to be experiencing a major epidemic, ▽ Chiba Prefecture has 30.21 people ▽ Yamaguchi Prefecture has 08.19 people ▽ Oita Prefecture has 22.18 people ▽ Ehime Prefecture has 00.16 people ▽ Tokyo has 69.16 people,
etc. It has exceeded the "alert level" of 44, which indicates that a major outbreak could occur in 12 capitals and prefectures within the next four weeks.

The Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare (MHLW) has been warning people of all ages that the number of influenza cases has been increasing since February, and that there is a possibility that the epidemic will become full-fledged earlier than usual.

Experts "moderate upward trend continues nationwide"

Nao Ishida, Chairman of the Influenza Committee of the Japan Society for Japan Infectious Diseases and Deputy Director of Kurashiki Central Hospital in Okayama Prefecture, commented on the current influenza epidemic situation, saying, "The number of people infected with influenza has not increased explosively, but a moderate upward trend continues nationwide. In addition, according to data from the Tokyo Metropolitan Government, 6% of hospitalized patients are under the age of 20, and it can be said that it has become a trend mainly among the younger generation based on the actual experience of medical treatment in Okayama Prefecture. In the future, it is expected that the infection will spread from young people to the elderly, and the scale of the epidemic will increase."

As for the future, he said, "In Australia, where the season is opposite to Japan, the spread of influenza infections has progressed earlier than usual, and even in Japan, the epidemic usually peaks during the year-end and New Year holidays, but there is a possibility that it will peak in early December."

On the other hand, regarding the new coronavirus, he said, "The spread of infections this summer, which became the 'ninth wave' due to the continuing downward trend in the number of infected people nationwide, is expected to subside, but caution is required because there is a risk that the infection will spread again toward the end of the year."

On top of that, regarding future precautions, he said, "Influenza may start a full-fledged epidemic early, and those who wish to be vaccinated should finish it earlier than usual in early November. The new coronavirus will spread again in the winter, and there are concerns about a simultaneous epidemic with influenza. In order to avoid each infection, basic infection control measures will continue to be effective, and it is important to wear a mask in crowds and make it a habit to wash your hands."