Jinan, October 10 (Reporter Zhao Xiao) Queuing for routine blood tests, patients sitting in the infusion area... In the autumn period of high incidence of respiratory diseases, the number of visits for mycoplasma pneumonia in hospitals in Jinan, Qingdao, Weifang and other places in Shandong Province has surged, and the symptoms are mostly fever, cough, pharyngeal pain, etc. How can mycoplasma pneumonia be prevented? Once infected, what are the symptoms? The reporter of Chinanews.com interviewed Chinese and Western medicine experts about this.

Zhang Zhaohua, chief physician of pediatrics at the Second Hospital of Shandong University, said in an interview that mycoplasma pneumonia is a respiratory infectious disease, mainly spread through droplets and close contact. In 2018 and 2019, mycoplasma pneumonia had a peak of infection, but after the spread of the new crown epidemic in 2020, the density of crowds decreased, mask protection increased, and the incidence of mycoplasma pneumonia also decreased significantly. "Looking at the law of disease transmission, there will be a pandemic in 3 to 5 years. This year, judging by the current infection situation in various places, there are signs of a resurgence. ”

Zhang Zhaohua said that after the patient was infected with mycoplasma pneumonia, the symptoms of early infection were similar to the common cold and common viral infections, with fever, cough, phlegm, etc., and some children would have chest tightness and wheezing. However, mycoplasma pneumonia has a longer fever cycle and more severe cough symptoms. "For patients with strong autoimmunity and mild symptoms, symptomatic treatment, timely cough and fever reduction can recover, but if the course of the disease lasts for more than three or four days, go to the hospital in time." Some severely ill patients need to undergo bronchoscopic therapy. ”

"The clinical manifestations of mycoplasma pneumonia are variable, and the body has a reaction time of about 4 to 5 days to produce antibodies." Zhang Zhaohua specifically mentioned that some severely ill children have been producing antibodies for a long time, and some have already had relatively severe symptoms of infection, but the early detection of antibodies has always been negative, and it only appeared positive after one week of hospitalization.

Talking about the prevention of mycoplasma pneumonia, Zhang Zhaohua said that the most effective way is to wear masks, especially in crowded places, to do a good job of protection, and at the same time open more windows indoors to ventilate and strengthen air circulation.

"Mycoplasma pneumonia is an acute respiratory infection caused by Mycoplasma pneumoniae, accompanied by pneumonia. In the past, Mycoplasma pneumoniae was the most common among pathogens called 'primary atypical pneumonia'. Guo Ruihua, a professor at Shandong University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, said from the perspective of traditional Chinese medicine that mycoplasma pneumonia belongs to the category of warm fever such as "lung heat and cough" and "wind temperature offenders the lungs", and symptoms such as fatigue, headache, sore throat, chills, fever, and muscle aches will occur in the early stage of the disease. The degree of fever varies, the highest exceeds 39 ° C, and after two or three days, obvious respiratory symptoms appear, such as paroxysmal irritating cough, coughing up a small amount of mucous sputum or mucopurulent sputum, sometimes with blood in the sputum.

Guo Ruihua said that after being infected with mycoplasma pneumonia, it is generally difficult to heal on its own, and it is necessary to go to the hospital for treatment in time. If there is high fever, body pain, cough and asthma in the acute stage, ephedra, almond, licorice, qianghuo, silver flower, skullcap and other traditional Chinese medicines can be used according to the dose, and if there is a long-term cough and phlegm, you can use ephedra, almond, ginger banxia, tangerine peel, aster and other drugs. (End)