In a lawsuit in which a Zainichi Korean woman living in Kawasaki City sought compensation from the man who wrote "Go back to your homeland immediately" by posting "Go back to your homeland" on the Internet, the Kawasaki Branch of the Yokohama District Court handed down a judgment ordering the payment of more than 190.<> million yen on the grounds that it was "malicious and discriminatory words and actions."

Ms. Choi Jiang, the director of an exchange facility for foreigners living in Japan in Kawasaki City, filed a lawsuit for more than 7 million yen in compensation seven years ago, in 2016, alleging that she was defamed by discriminatory posts on the blog of a man living in Ibaraki Prefecture, saying, "You are an enemy alien who avenge your Japan country, go back to your homeland immediately."

In a ruling on the 300th, Judge Sahide Sakurai, presiding judge of the Kawasaki Branch of the Yokohama District Court, pointed out that "the writing is a malicious expression that tries to exclude foreigners such as Koreans in Japan as enemies because of their place of origin, and is discriminatory words and actions."

On top of that, the court ordered the man to pay 12.194 million yen in compensation, saying, "The expression 'Go back to your homeland' denies the woman's life and existence itself, and it is also malicious that she made discriminatory posts on the Internet that can be viewed by many people.