Dr. Mustafa Barghouti, Secretary-General of the Palestinian National Initiative, said that the escalation of incursions by Jewish extremists into Al-Aqsa Mosque comes within the framework of an attempt to create a new reality by stabilizing the temporal and spatial division of Al-Aqsa Mosque, and including the small numbers of elderly Palestinians allowed to pray there to the circle of deprivation of that.

He pointed out that the recent raids included new features with the increase in the number of intruders, by insisting on including Talmudic prayers and provocative movements to impose a Jewish religious reality on Al-Aqsa Mosque, as well as by evacuating it from Al-Murabitin and Al-Murabitat in order to reach a complete evacuation of worshipers during the presence of settlers during its raids.

This came during the episode devoted by the "Beyond the News" program on (2023/10/3) to the escalation of the pace of settlers and Jewish extremists storming the courtyards of Al-Aqsa Mosque on the fourth day of the Jewish Throne Day, and provocative dances and tours, benefiting from tight security protection, and loud support by ministers in Benjamin Netanyahu's government.

On the other hand, the Palestinian presidency warned of the dangerous repercussions of the occupation's attempt to create new facts in East Jerusalem, while Hamas considered what is happening a dangerous escalation of the religious war, stressing that the Palestinian people will not allow it, and Islamic Jihad stressed that the crimes of attacking worshipers at Al-Aqsa Mosque will not go unanswered.

The episode behind the news questioned the new reality that the occupation is trying to impose in Al-Aqsa Mosque, and behind the reactions of the Palestinian Authority and the resistance factions and their warnings of the consequences of the Israeli escalation, and Washington's position on the scene in Jerusalem as a sponsor of the peace process.

Elemental scheme

Speaking behind the news, Barghouti stressed that these incursions are part of the racist plan to Judaize Palestine and Al-Aqsa Mosque, and have reached a dangerous and unprecedented extent, as it is no longer limited to the increasing number of intruders, but included targeting Almoravids and depriving Palestinians of their presence in Al-Aqsa.

Barghouti rejected the talk of the American guest of the episode, about the partnership between Jews and Muslims in the mosque as a holy place for both, stressing that the United States has a clear duality, while mobilizing the countries of the world to fight what it considered the Russian occupation of Ukraine, ignoring the Israeli occupation of Palestine and its clear violation of international law.

He stressed that the seriousness of the situation in Jerusalem does not only concern the Palestinians, but Muslims and Arabs must move to confront the violations of the Israeli occupation, adding that the Palestinians must unite their ranks on a national resistance program, and the Arab countries must stop normalization with the occupation.

Biden's message

On the other hand, Dr. Edward Joseph, professor of international relations at Johns Hopkins University, believes that the only way to address the crisis situation comes through respect by all parties for their responsibilities towards Jerusalem, stressing that this message conveyed by the administration of US President Joe Biden to the concerned parties, as he put it.

He claimed that the talk about the incursions of settlers and Jewish extremists into Al-Aqsa Mosque under the protection of Israeli soldiers expresses the private opinions of their owners that cannot be confirmed in the international media, stressing that he will not be subject to requests to confirm or deny what the Arab media reports about these raids.

He believes that what is happening is in accordance with the rules agreed upon with the Jordanian Waqf administration to enter Al-Aqsa Mosque, as this falls within the responsibility and control of Israel, as he claims, stressing that the Biden administration does not want to go to a major confrontation over Al-Aqsa.