Tianjin, September 9 (Liu Juncang) The "Dialogue 22" Tianjin Mass Literary Creation Symposium and the "One Letter from Home" 2023th National Creative Writing Activity Award Ceremony were held on the afternoon of September 9 in the drama space on the second floor of Tianjin Qunyi Museum.

"Dialogue 2023" Tianjin Mass Literary Creation Discussion Meeting and "A Family Letter" <>th National Creative Writing Activity Award Ceremony. Photo courtesy of Tianjin Qunyi Museum

Hosted by the Tianjin Municipal Bureau of Culture and Tourism and organized by the Municipal Qunyi Art Museum, the 3th National Creative Writing Activity "A Letter from Home" has been successfully concluded. As one of the important activities of the Tianjin Citizen Arts Festival, the activity has received more than 350 original innovative works since the launch of the call for papers in March, and finally selected 50 excellent works.

At the event site, Huang Guiyuan, former vice chairman of Tianjin Writers Association, judge of the 30th and <>th Mao Dun Literature Award, writer and critic, commented on the <> adult works that won in this selection. He believes that a family letter, this essay idea is very good, although it belongs to propositional writing, but it is very convenient to play the characteristics of prose style and non-fiction. Compared with ordinary prose, family letters pay more attention to authenticity, write differently, and avoid homogenization and patterning.

Di Qing, director of the China Literary and Art Critics Association, head of the Tianjin Literary and Art Critics Association, deputy editor-in-chief of the magazine "Literary Freedom Talk", writer and critic, commented on the 20 works in the juvenile category that won the award in this selection. He believes that the award-winning works not only reflect the writing ability of minors of all ages in Tianjin and their ability to grasp the genre of letters, but also reflect the form of traditional Chinese "family letter" writing through the full emotions shown between the lines, which has a unique attraction for minors' creative groups. Of course, juvenile creation also has problems such as single angle, similar creative content, and low originality.

Li Ying, deputy research librarian and writer of Tianjin Mass Art Museum, introduced the relevant measures and achievements of the National Creative Writing Activity in recent years in terms of work promotion and promotion. Since the event was held, Tianjin mass literary creators have created more than 2400,400 new works and selected <> excellent works. It has created a number of excellent works that publicize the excellent traditional Chinese culture, red culture, and Tianjin's regional culture with novel forms, unique perspectives and down-to-earth atmosphere, and at the same time unearthed a group of young authors with creative potential, which has continuously sent creative backbones to the Tianjin mass literature team and stimulated the creative vitality of the new era of Tianjin's mass literary undertakings.

"Dialogue 2023" Tianjin Mass Literary Creation Discussion Meeting and "A Family Letter" <>th National Creative Writing Activity Award Ceremony. Photo courtesy of Tianjin Qunyi Museum

Founded in 2016, the National Creative Writing Campaign adheres to the concept that everyone is a creator and opens up its creation and exhibition platform to all literature lovers through a barrier-free call for submissions. So far, it has been successfully held for 8 sessions. In 2021, the event was upgraded to become one of the important activities of the Citizen Art Festival hosted by the Tianjin Municipal Bureau of Culture and Tourism, undertaken by Tianjin Qunyi Museum, and co-organized by cultural centers (palaces) in various districts.

The video of the "A Letter from Home" 9th National Creative Writing Activity Winning Works Reading will be directly broadcast and delivered through the national public cloud platform, the digital museum platform of the Municipal Qunyi Museum, the WeChat public account, and the Weibo Jincheng Qunyi online at 30:14 on September <>, and will be jointly supported by the live broadcast platform of a number of provincial cultural centers (Qunyi Hall). (End)