Libyans' swift rush to the aid of their afflicted brothers in the city of Derna, which was hit by Hurricane Daniel this week, has received praise and interaction from institutions, organizations and on social media.

The long distances and vast areas did not prevent Libyans from trying to rescue those hit by the cyclone in the cities of the east, and they came from the first moments to the aid of the afflicted in Derna in particular.

Immediately after the disaster, popular campaigns called "Fazaa Khot" (Fazaa al-Akhwa) were launched to collect food, water, furniture, clothes and everything that those affected might need in the city of Derna.

These campaigns were launched from all sides in Libya, east, west and south towards the stricken city of Derna.

For its part, the Ministry of Interior of the unity government monitored congestion at the gates of Derna due to the large number of aid, while the International Organization for Migration praised the remarkable popular solidarity with the afflicted.

However, authorities say what happened in Derna is beyond the Libyan state's ability to confront it alone, and Arab countries such as Qatar, Egypt, the United Arab Emirates, Jordan, Algeria and Tunisia have come to the fore to help.

These and other countries have flown airlifts to transport aid, which included rescue teams, field hospitals and humanitarian aid.

Meanwhile, social media platforms interacted greatly with "Fazaa Khot" to relief Derna and the cities of the East, and a tweeter named Othman Bouchiba commented, "What happened to you, Derna, is nothing transient. And breaking you doesn't force Jaber. What happened to you hurts and makes the looks cry I am Libyan and proudly I told and I cried after I had the balls of panic with my eyes."

Basma al-Rifadi said, "Something – frankly – makes the heart happy despite all the pain that is happening in the country. May God unite Libyans and what divides them, Libyans are good and have white hearts."

Tarek Madi tweeted, "Relief convoys from south and west to east, may God unite our word and unite us, Lord of the worlds, here I raise the hat to all Libyans who moved in fear for their brothers in Derna and the Green Mountain. We ask God for safety."

Libyan officials stressed the need to develop a plan to evacuate Derna residents, with signs of health and environmental disasters emerging in some areas of the stricken city.