A former talent belonging to Johnny's Office, who has been accusing Johnny Kitagawa of sexual assault, attended a meeting of the Constitutional Democratic Party of Japan and called for the abolition of the statute of limitations, saying that it is difficult to report victims of sexual crimes against children.

After Johnny's Office acknowledged and apologized for the first time last week for the sexual assault by Mr. Johnny Kitagawa, the Constitutional Democratic Party of Japan (DPJ) held a hearing on the 12th with Mr. Shimon Ishimaru, who is the vice president of the "Association of Johnny's Sexual Perpetrators" who are complaining about the victimization.

Mr. Ishimaru said, "We are just at the starting line, and this issue is no longer a problem for a single company, but a comprehensive problem for the media, sponsors, and the national legal system."

Ms. Ishimaru then stated that "children cannot raise their voices" and called for the abolition of the statute of limitations for sexual crimes against children.

Mr. Ishimaru told reporters after the meeting that there are moves among companies not to sign new contracts with talents belonging to Johnny's Office, saying, "There are human rights even for talents that have been used by companies for solicitation, and I think it would be a bit hasty to cancel the press conference because of it."