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ZDF presenter Böhmermann: "Always, always, always free, independent and incorruptible"


Henning Kaiser / dpa

Jan Böhmermann has emphasized the independence of his program "ZDF Magazin Royale" and defended himself and his editorial team against alleged false allegations. The ZDF presenter made the comments on the Mastodon social network after the former president of the Federal Office for Cybersecurity in Information Technology (BSI), Arne Schönbohm, made a demand for monetary compensation.

Schönbohm lost his job as BSI boss in October 2022. Shortly before, a "ZDF Magazin Royale" program entitled "How a Russian company hacks Germany undisturbed" had been broadcast. It said that Schönbohm had been close to a company closely linked to the Russian secret service through a lobby association. In the show, Schönbohm was shown with a clown nose and mocked by Böhmermann as a cyberclown.

Despite doubts after the broadcast of the program, Interior Minister Nancy Faeser (SPD) relieved Schönbohm of his duties "with immediate effect." At the time, Faeser justified the expulsion with a "disturbed relationship of trust".

At the end of August, ZDF confirmed receipt of a lawyer's letter on behalf of Arne Schönbohm, demanding the submission of a cease-and-desist declaration and monetary compensation in the amount of 100,000 euros.

In his statement on Mastodon, Böhmermann describes the sharp criticism of the former BSI boss in the broadcast as appropriate: "There were and are reasonable doubts about Mr. Schönbohm's competence and judgment," and others had previously expressed these concerns.

According to Böhmermann, "NO 'false accusations' were made or even 'untruths' or 'false allegations' were spread." The entire broadcast and the complete research, including all sources, are still online, they are "neither refuted in terms of content nor legally challenged nor objectionable under press law".

Interior ministry? »Not our beer«

The Berlin media lawyer Markus Hennig, commissioned by Schönbohm to assert the claims for compensation for pain and suffering against the broadcaster, had told the magazine "Bunte" that ZDF had "destroyed the reputation and impeccable career of a deserving civil servant through the 'Magazin Royale'".

"What this weird Prince of Hohenzollern litigation PR is supposed to bring ... I don't know, Digga!?«, Böhmermann now comments on Schönbohm's demand. Federal officials like Schönbohm would have to "accept critical reporting in which they are not portrayed as they would like to see themselves."

Six months after his transfer, the Ministry of the Interior is said to have informed Schönbohm's lawyers that the allegations had not revealed any evidence that would justify the initiation of disciplinary proceedings. Schönbohm is now head of the Federal Academy of Public Administration.

In his statement, Böhmermann rejects above all the idea that his broadcast could have worked together with the Federal Ministry of the Interior on the dismissal of Schönbohm: "Foaming and swearing a secret 'conspiracy' with the WTF? To insinuate that the Federal Ministry of the Interior is pretty vicious bullshit and, of course, completely fictitious," writes the satirist in his own choice of words. What the Federal Ministry of the Interior is doing "is not our beer".

It is unusual for Böhmermann to respond to allegations against his show in writing and not just with pointed podcast remarks. At the end of his message, Böhmermann becomes a little pathetic. The »ZDF Magazin Royale« is »certainly not always nice, sometimes MAYBE a bit mean, but always, always, always: free, independent and incorruptible«.
